What Is Best For Marine Set Up?


Fish Crazy
Jan 21, 2007
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Northamptonshire UK
What brand aquarium is best? Getting marine fish in April and im looking at the Juwel 400/450. Is this a good tank for marine and where is the best place to purchase it. Ive seen it on www.pet-supermarket.co.uk for £499/£629. Also what brands are best for filters, skimmer, heaters etc for marine that would be suitable for the above tank. Thanks. xx
it depends what your looking to keep, if you bear in mind that you don't need the filter provided with the tank, and you will need to upgrade the lighting if you want to keep corals and to do so your probably going to have to re-build the hood, then basically your just paying a hell of a lot of money for a glass box and stand. yes juwel tanks can look pretty but personally I wouldn't buy one specifically for a marine set up.

If you want an 'all in one' type deal look at the red sea max nano tank which has appropriate marine lighting, filtration, skimming etc so although it's a little pricey for the size compared to an equivalent sized juwel tank, you don't need to get much else for it.

Or if you want to tailor make your equipment around the tank you want then you can get a fairly simple glass box tank and build up equipment from there.
i use a Jewel Rio 400 for my marine system does the job just fine!

i removed the internal filter as to be honest its naff for marines and i use a Eheim external canister filter.
2 Hagen Heaters, i always like to have a backup just in case one fails.
every one on here hates them but i use a red sea prizm deleux skimmer does the job no worries :) skims the crap!
you will need some serious powerheads to get the water moving, i use seio's fantastic at it!! good price 2!
if you want to keep inverts you will need to upgrade the lighting pm me and ill show u the mods ive done to make it work!

then you just need to rob a bank to be able too fill it with live rock! good luck! lol :good:

HTH andy!
i use a Jewel Rio 400 for my marine system does the job just fine!

i removed the internal filter as to be honest its naff for marines and i use a Eheim external canister filter.
2 Hagen Heaters, i always like to have a backup just in case one fails.
every one on here hates them but i use a red sea prizm deleux skimmer does the job no worries :) skims the crap!
you will need some serious powerheads to get the water moving, i use seio's fantastic at it!! good price 2!
if you want to keep inverts you will need to upgrade the lighting pm me and ill show u the mods ive done to make it work!

then you just need to rob a bank to be able too fill it with live rock! good luck! lol :good:

HTH andy!
Is there any need for the Eheim external canister?
i use a Jewel Rio 400 for my marine system does the job just fine!

i removed the internal filter as to be honest its naff for marines and i use a Eheim external canister filter.
2 Hagen Heaters, i always like to have a backup just in case one fails.
every one on here hates them but i use a red sea prizm deleux skimmer does the job no worries :) skims the crap!
you will need some serious powerheads to get the water moving, i use seio's fantastic at it!! good price 2!
if you want to keep inverts you will need to upgrade the lighting pm me and ill show u the mods ive done to make it work!

then you just need to rob a bank to be able too fill it with live rock! good luck! lol :good:

HTH andy!
Is there any need for the Eheim external canister?

i find its handy, as its compartmentalised i can put different media in each compartment, eg carbon, phosban, etc its by no means essential with all the LR i have but its handy :)
Just wondering, I see a lot of marine keepers have them.

Deltec skimmers are suppose to be the business

I have Aqua clear powerheads - Very noisey though, I've heard maxi-jet 1200's are affordable and pretty silent
Emma i also run a juwel tank just smaller, cos of my floor. However be happy to help give u ideas etc and make that process that little easier.

I also run a Ehiem because i can then run phosphate remover in it then it connects onto my UV steralizer. Although as ive also seen on PFK site the nano video shows you can just put it in the tank out of side, which seems fairly good idea.

I would def say upgrade the lights though they aint worth using in the long term, and also if you gunna get the lights go for the best dont work your way up like me, ull save loads. Either Metal halides of T5s , problem is with T5 the bulbs stop at 48"s so i would more look at MHS, ask skifletch or Matt they good lighting bods.

As for skimmers go for TMC V2 skimmers excellent price and better skimmers then Prizm skimmers (except the really expensive ones), no offence Pheonix. :blush: But if you are spending like 250 quid on a skimmer go Deltec :good: , cant go wrong.
Powerheads go Seios ive got 4 and they are cheap to run and are 2nd best on the market for Marine. Id say you would want like 2 M1100s. Give a nice turn over and current.

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