What Is Best For Bacterial Infections

May 16, 2007
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I was just wondering which medicine is the best for bacterial infections? i want something that will not do any damage to the bacteria etc.

Can anyone recommend me something? thanks.
I was just wondering which medicine is the best for bacterial infections? i want something that will not do any damage to the bacteria etc.

Can anyone recommend me something? thanks.

as a precaution i use Tea Tree oil! i use about 1 drop per 10 gallons, and emulsify it in a couple of hundred mills of tank water, before i put it in. its mild though so it is not up to dealing with really bad bacterial stuff.
I was just wondering which medicine is the best for bacterial infections? i want something that will not do any damage to the bacteria etc.

You do understand that this statement is inherently self-contradictory. In almost every case, anti-bacterial medication is exceptionally indiscriminate about what bacteria it kills. So, yes, if you use an antibacterial medicine, your filter bacteria are at risk. So, you will have to recycle the tank, and all the daily water stat taking and freqent water changes that are needed.
I was just wondering which medicine is the best for bacterial infections? i want something that will not do any damage to the bacteria etc.

You do understand that this statement is inherently self-contradictory. In almost every case, anti-bacterial medication is exceptionally indiscriminate about what bacteria it kills. So, yes, if you use an antibacterial medicine, your filter bacteria are at risk. So, you will have to recycle the tank, and all the daily water stat taking and freqent water changes that are needed.

This is one of the reasons a separate med tank, with large frequent water changes works best for treating illnesses. Most meds that are effective for bacteria will also do a number on your bio filtration.
I've used Maracyn and Maracyn II with no problems to my wanted bacterial load. There are some medications that are more discriminatory than others. :)
I've used Maracyn and Maracyn II with no problems to my wanted bacterial load. There are some medications that are more discriminatory than others. :)

I dunno, Teelie. This makes me think that either you didn't use the medications right (like using the wrong dose) or didn't take the reading right, since Maracyn attacks all gram-positive bacteria and Maracyn II attacks all gram-negative bacteria and bacteria is either gram-positive or gram-negative, the filter bacteria should have been attacked as well. Something doesn't quite jive here...
And yet I had no ammonia, nitrite or nitrate spikes and the bacterical infections went away with treatment.
*shrug* well, just one of many great mysteries in life. Sounds like it worked out better than could have been expected! I say, don't look a gift horse or fish in the mouth.

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