What Inspired You Too.....


Fish Fanatic
Aug 1, 2006
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What inspired you to do fish keeping well in only 14 now and after i saw the movie finding Nemo that made me wanna start my own fish tank.what inspired you guys
Nothing really inspired me to start fishkeeping I guess. Really I never got any pets growing up except a goldfish when I was three and two ADF when I was 6-7 (my mom doesn't like fish and Is allergic to like everything!) After another 5-6 years with no pets, my Dads girlfriend brought over her cat. Well im allgeric to cats but I never let it go into my room and we had one of those Ionic breeze type things to help with the allgeries along with feebres and other allergy helping remedies. We decided it could stay, until my mom found out and put a stop to it. After that I said "you know what its time I got a pet" So that week me and my dad went out to a local pawn shop called Cash Converters and picked up a 15g tank with the light and filter with it for 15 CND dollars! That was what started my Cronic tank sydrom. :lol:
It was a dream....

probably a linked plea from my lone glowlite tetra who spent 2 lone years in a bug carrier....

I dreamed I just walked through an endless expanse of aquariu, seeing fish I didn't even know, half not even real, but I actually did see what I now recognize as rediculously huge senegal bichirs :lol:

So I went out and bought a 10 gallon starter kit, started it, and joined this place, and went from there!
It was a dream....

probably a linked plea from my lone glowlite tetra who spent 2 lone years in a bug carrier....

I dreamed I just walked through an endless expanse of aquariu, seeing fish I didn't even know, half not even real, but I actually did see what I now recognize as rediculously huge senegal bichirs :lol:

So I went out and bought a 10 gallon starter kit, started it, and joined this place, and went from there!

Wow thats creepy how you saw a fish in a dream that actually existed! Did you see it ever before the dream? A senegal bichir that is...
My brother had one when I was a kid. Don't know what possessed him, but I got hooked. That was over 20 years ago.

No disrespect, but if only I had a nickel every time I heard Finding Nemo was an inspiration. lol Well, as long as the love of fish is there, I guess it's all good.
Well I had a cat and when she died I was really stressed. I found fish to be relaxing and now have four tanks. BTW I am also 14. I also have a leapord gecko that is almost 9 inches. His name is monty he is over 7 years old.
my first ever tank was a 5 gallon and know i got a 55 gallon i got the 5 gallon as a hospital tank now.
Loneliness mostly. I had a girlfriend here but had just moved and knew no one else, living alone for the first time and needed something to keep me company when she wasn't there. My brother had 5 dogs and I didn't feel like dealing with the mess and responsibility of that (cleaning up their messes, letting them in, out, etc) and cats, same problem.

Fish seemed to be an easier alternative and something different. I'm not living alone anymore but have expanded to 6 running aquariums. :p
Actually I am like one of the only people in my town that like fish not just for eating. However my friend is getting a huge heated pond for an arrowana and some other really big fish!
Thats cool. What kind of puffer do you have? I saw your profile and I actually also have 1 male betta in a 2g.
I was like 6 or 7 and my elementary school had a fish aquarium and I use to watch them when I got to school, they got my curiosity. A few years ago I saw a new lfs so I said, why not and went in. I saw they had a reef tank going in there so I said I just had to get one. I read book after book about saltwater aquariums. Then bought me a 2 and a half gallon tank which I put 2 gupies and two black sword tails in, the guppies died (due to being overfed, who knew) anyway so we wnte to the lfs again to see why. A few days later I picked up my 29 gallon, this was a few months ago. Saltwater is hard to do especially if you had no prior fish keeping experience so I decided to go with a freshwster tropical setup.
I was like 6 or 7 and my elementary school had a fish aquarium and I use to watch them when I got to school, they got my curiosity. A few years ago I saw a new lfs so I said, why not and went in. I saw they had a reef tank going in there so I said I just had to get one. I read book after book about saltwater aquariums. Then bought me a 2 and a half gallon tank which I put 2 gupies and two black sword tails in, the guppies died (due to being overfed, who knew) anyway so we wnte to the lfs again to see why. A few days later I picked up my 29 gallon, this was a few months ago. Saltwater is hard to do especially if you had no prior fish keeping experience so I decided to go with a freshwster tropical setup.

Actually saltwater isnt too much harder then Freshwater. All the fish in my tank Ive had since May. They are healthy and very colorful. However reef tanks are definitely harder than fish only with live rock tanks.
I've always been fascinated with fish, I can remember back to being in second grade and my favorite animals all happened to either be a fish or lived in the ocean. My dad also had an old aquarium set up when I was younger were he kept various tropical fish.

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