Not got them yet but thinking of getting some pygmy corys, but I have a small tank, so I don't want them to breed. Would I need to remove eggs or will they just get eaten?
This is something that you don't have to worry about. They may never spawn, but if they do, you can just remove the eggs. If the eggs do hatch, depending on what other fish you have with them, there is a good chance they will be eaten unless you provide planted areas or other places for them to hide in.
Thanks , I currently have 4 male platys and will be adding gouramis + corys. Which would mean the tank is fully stocked and didn't want to have the worry of breeding, as much as I am already addicted to this hobby, I have a very small home and I really don't have space for more tanks unfortunately. Although I may manage to squeeze in another small tank for another betta, as you do LOL