What Have You Been Bitten By?


Fish Crazy
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle, Australia
i've only ever been gently nipped on the fingers by my tame angels.
but i was wondering which cichlids bite hard? and which ones have teeth?
i've nearly been bitten by my BA but it doesnt look like it would hurt
I've been attacked by my HRP pair but, just alttle tingly feeling as the bit me.
I been bitten by Oscars a few times...it tends to hurt more when they are small as it pinches more...when they are big thye hit you hard but cant grip anything...unless you leave a finger trailing...in which case i wouldn't be surprised if it took your finger off cos the little ones have some pretty mean bite force.

My Malawis and Convicts have bitten me lots...my Bumblebee (Crabro) used to hurt when it grabbed my skin.

I gte bitten regularly by gentle fish like Angels etc because i always hand feed....barbs and Tetras are a nightmare for it!

My Marine Cleaner Shrimp used to pinch and bite me...i used to let him climb up my arm...didn't really hurt...my Clowns would go crazy after my bracelet...espech the Clarkii Clown we had later on.

I have been stung by a Aptasia Anemone also a few times...dunno if that counts...it left lots of nasty red blotches on me...and i cut my finger on a Corydoras spine once to.
Lol glad Im not the only one to feel HRP wrath! My male attacks me all the time, its just a bit of a shock I guess, also been attacked by my old angels. And all the other times have been from hand feeding when I had my puffers they would dive for your fingers if you were not careful lmao.
I got bitten once by my male jaguar cichlid which drew blood,it was as alway's the shock as was not exspecting it,hehe but was my fault....Also my parachanna obscura tries to attack when you put your hand directly into tank,you need first to break the water with a tube, then follow tube that way he realises it not food and leaves you alone.
My large common plec loves sucking on my hand, doesnt hurt one bit, I have been nibbled by baby texas when breaking up food, all my other cichlids havnt nipped me (yet) apart from my angels, they are the worse especially the babies, they always seem to go for the softer skin under my arm at the top when I am vaccing the gravel.
Ive been bitten my my arowana several times, didnt hurt tho, my oscars have bitten me, my old severum (9" male garding eggs lol) convicts, parrot fish, thats about it tbh lol, my big female jag almost got me...that would of hurt they have MEANN teeth haha
my female blood parrot fish has bitten me when she was garding eggs but the male always runs away like a big scaredy cat. did not hurt at all. its just the sock of them biting ha ha
I was bitten by a 18 inch Gymnothorax tile Moray once which drew blood, didn't hurt as such but I panicked when it happened as it came from no where and got me.

My 31/2 ft Royal Python tagged me the other week and that just pamicked me again drew blood but no real pain

what did hurt was my sons horrible hamster which bit me a few times and if I had my way would be making its way down the royal pythons throat!!!
I have a good streak of not been bitten hard and I was a vet tech for 4 years. Never any fish. I have been nipped by birds/ rooster, cats , puppies, almost bitten by a milk snake, sheep but they only have one row of bottom teeth, horse. None ever drew blood just nipped.

My ebjd has little teeth I can see so I watch out.
Ive been bitten by my 8 inch sev when he was guarding his eggs.. all i wanted to do was scrape algae off the glass, i was fine, it only left a red mark :)
I once got the spine of a debauwi in my finger and couldn't move it for weeks, god only knows what it did to me, still got a scar now.
I was bitten by a 18 inch Gymnothorax tile Moray once which drew blood, didn't hurt as such but I panicked when it happened as it came from no where and got me.

Me too mate. I was showing off to my mates when I was a bit drunk. I was holding a prawn the same way I usually did to feed him and he latched onto my finger instead of the prawn. I kept calm though and just waited for him to let go even though he was doing that curling round thing. Little needle teeth those suckers have eh?

I've also been bitten by:

KK Parrot (drew blood)
Red Texas (drew blood)
Female BP
Silver arrow in a fish shop
Male Sajica
Female and male cons
Female and male kribs
Thinking of ~T~ post, and also about that a silver aro in a shop, I had a 8" Silver lunge at me when I was showing the lady which Anubias I wanted. That scared me having that thing fly by. The Silver was unharmed, I justa 'bout had a heart attack.

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