What have I got myself into ?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 1, 2005
Reaction score
Nr Edinburgh, Scotland
Well, after visiting my Uncle last week and admiring his terrific tropical tank, I got hooked. Not just me but my son too, who decided a tropical tank was exactly what he wanted for his 12th birthday today. My birthday (much older than 12 !) is just comming up so we are now joint owners of a Jewel Rekord 120. All shiny and just out of the box. :/

Having spent a week or so surfing the net and reading tremendous forums like this we plan to make a homemade polystyrene/cement coated rock background and let that cure between now and when we get back from holiday at the beginning of next month. Then I'll put a few plants in - I've got some malachite stuff to put at the bottom and a fine, rounded gravel to go on top of it.

Then we'll do a fishless cycle. Found pure Ammonia solution in local hardware store - Jeyes Kleen Off. (Just says: Contains Ammonia - clear liquid that doesn't foam). Should be able to get a scoop of gravel from the LFS to help get things going. Have ordered a reasonably comprehensive test kit over the internet. Then, and my guess is that this'll be a couple of months time, we'll start adding fish. :S

My vote is for Harlequin Rasboros and a beautiful Elephant Nose. I saw one at the LFS and was enchanted. My son really would like a male beta and a red tailed shark. He was also very taken with some black angelfish he saw, but everything I've read suggests that angelfish are not compatible with bettas. He also likes the upside down catfish and zebra plecos.

Thankfully he's happy to be patient - and me, I've got brain overload! Any help and advice gratefully received !
:hi: Welcome to TFF. Glad to have you join us. It seems like you have really researched and done your homework. The only advice I could really give you is not to plan on putting a betta in your tank unless you have a backup tank for him. Bettas are very territorial and many of them will not live with other fish. They will either attack and kill them, or if the other fish is more aggressive, they will either be killed or die from the stress. If your son wants a betta they are very happy in smaller tanks - 1 gallon being the absolute minimum. They do not have to have a filter or have their tanks cycled if you do regular water changes. If you are still interested in a betta you can post any questions about them in the betta forum. Your other questions will best be answered in the beginner section. Good luck and hope you enjoy your fish experience as much as I do! :D
Thanks for the replies and the welcomes ! The advice about a potential beta is appreciated. :) I thought if we did try one with other fish, we wouldn't make it one of the first species and would make it a young fish. One of the things I'm least certain of is the best order to add the fish - I guess to an extent it may depend on which species I can actually get hold of when. It seems to be a bit of a black art. :alien:
Hi and welcome to the wonderful world of fishkeeping and welcome to TFF :thumbs:

As others have said, the Betta is not an ideal community fish, he would be unlikely to do well with the red tailed shark or the angel.

As for a zebra plec, I fully understand that you want one, as most of us do, but they are expensive and like good quality water, so are better suited to experienced fishkeepers than newbies.

Good luck with the hardest part, picking which fish NOT to have :lol:

LOL, good luck with getting a zebra plec :lol: Lend me a hundred punds or so and I'll get you one. They're pricy fish :) Bettas are lovely, as said before, I'd get another tank for one. Welome to tff though!
Thanks for the info about the zebra plec - I saw so many fish last weekend. I'm pretty sure that one of the shops I looked in (a shop in Fife that specialises in catfish) had a zebra plec. I don't remember being horrified by the price, but then it may have been one of the ones that didn't have a price tag! Didn't realise they were unusual. Would like to start with something we both like in the tank but definitely something fairly straightforward.

Another local shop, same one I saw the elephant nose in (tank with five or so) also had knife fish, which I thought were quite unusual. Are these fish not as unusual as I thought ?
Hey Vivienne (and son ;)) Welcome to the forum!

knife fish (most common in trade is black ghost knife) is classed an 'oddball' but not really that unusual anymore. Quite a bit of information about them can be found here Black Ghost Knife ... I can already tell you that they get way too big for your tank though.

The zebra plec has quite recently because that rare in trade, as they're getting treatend in the wild and are now illegal to import. Some people breed them and sell them, and some are still being caught in the wild... but for this reason they now sell for a very large sum of money (In holland around 100/120 euros, in England around 80 till a 100 pounds last time I checked).

Good luck with your tank, you're definatly off to a better start than most people by doing your research :)

If you want to go completely nuts, claim the new tank for yourself and get your son a small tank to keep a betta in. :fun:

All of the other community fish seem suited for the tank though!
Welcome to the forum. It looks like you could be a candidate for MTS (Multi-tank Syndrome). I would second the idea of getting a small tank (2.5 gallon mini bows are great) for the betta. Some are ok with the current and flow rate of a big tank and some get very stressed out. Also, as you have already mentioned, bettas and angels aren't a good mix. Angels are great additions to a tank though. Good luck.
Welcome! I wish my dad was intrested in the fish keeping hobby.....I might be able to steal a tank with him.....(I mean like, get him to buy one for us, not like we'd go in to our lps and hold-up the store to get a 120G tank)
Anyways, welcome to the most addictive hobby of fishkeeping!
Ethos said:
Welcome! I wish my dad was intrested in the fish keeping hobby.....I might be able to steal a tank with him.....(I mean like, get him to buy one for us, not like we'd go in to our lps and hold-up the store to get a 120G tank)
Anyways, welcome to the most addictive hobby of fishkeeping!
You'd have to have an awfully big coat to stick a 120 gallon under and walk out of the store. :whistle: :lol:
Yup ! - I think multiple tanks could be a distinct possibility - my youngest son has already made a list of fish he'd like in his own tank for his 8th birthday in October. He has been quoting fish stats at me like they're top trump cards :lol:

I'm determined not to have more than one tank in the house though until the first has settled down and we know we definately have the time, commitment and interest to look after more.

For the moment this tank is going to sit in a quiet alcove in the corner of the kitchen to see if it works there. There is a small window nearby to the side of it. Although it doesn't throw light directly into the alcove, we may get algae problems (I could pull the blind further down.) If that works well it would be a great spot to build in a tank - then my eldest son could get this tank to himself in his bedroom.

The alcove could support a custom built tank 32" wide, 20" deep and about 32" tall. Would a tank that tall be practical. I think maintenance would be just about manageable and we could light it from the sides as well as the top.

The knife fish I saw was just a plain brown one. How big a tank would be needed for a ghost knife ? - I've seen pictures of the clown knife too. They look great but better suited to a public aquarium I imagine.

For today, I'm going to the DIY store to buy polystyrene, cement and some drain pipes for caves. Can anyone recommend any UK brand products that are good for this kind of DIY background ?

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