What Happened To My Angel Fish!?


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
Today I just noticed that one of my angel fish was dead. Its eyes were gone! I had 5 angel fish for many months in the 55 gallon tank and I never observed any aggression or reason for concern. This morning I noticed one of the angel fish was dead!

Does anyone have an idea what happened?? Could this have been avoided? Im very disheartened.
The eyes were gone on mine i just thought the other fish ate them
[well I know why they are gone, their eyes, but I dont know why it happened in the first place? They were all getting a long for months, and I dont know why this morning he was found dead?
Fish can suck the eyes out when a fish dead.
What are your water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
I had a similar problem about a year ago. My angel fish was healthy and getting along just fine, despite the fact that he was a gigantic fish in a 10 gallon tank with a bunch of other fish. The entire tank was healthy and stats were just fine (no nitrates, ammonia, etc).

I woke up one morning to find my one Neon Tetra gone (I scanned the filter, and all around the room where the tank was. I cannot figure out where it dissapeared to), one of my Serpae Tetras dead, and my angelfish dead. I still cannot figure out how all three managed to die.
I had a similar problem about a year ago. My angel fish was healthy and getting along just fine, despite the fact that he was a gigantic fish in a 10 gallon tank with a bunch of other fish. The entire tank was healthy and stats were just fine (no nitrates, ammonia, etc).

I woke up one morning to find my one Neon Tetra gone (I scanned the filter, and all around the room where the tank was. I cannot figure out where it dissapeared to), one of my Serpae Tetras dead, and my angelfish dead. I still cannot figure out how all three managed to die.

This is a guess really but i think fish get stunted in small tanks (and 10 gallons for an angel fish is really small) yet the digestive system continues to grow. Also angels will eat tetras and if they are stunted could become compacted when they eat something as big as a tetra. Thats a real guess lol but there were a few things wrong with that setup lol
You're telling me. That angelfish was a huge misjudgement on my part. The tank is still around, but it's much, much roomier now. I've only got two danios, 2 serpaes, 2 female swordtails, and a catfish in there now.
Today I just noticed that one of my angel fish was dead. Its eyes were gone! I had 5 angel fish for many months in the 55 gallon tank and I never observed any aggression or reason for concern. This morning I noticed one of the angel fish was dead!

Does anyone have an idea what happened?? Could this have been avoided? Im very disheartened.
i have had this problem in the past with rams. have u moved any fish from the tank becuse my death happened when i moved some platties and i think this made the rams jumpy and scared which in the end resulted in the weakest one dying. :(
I have made no changes to my tank for months! I have 5 cute clown loaches, 7 serpae tetras and 7 harlequin rasboras, all get along.
My water is always good, 0 nitrates 0 ammonia. I change 10% of my water weekly. Its a 55 gallon.

I wish i knew why the angel died. it was sudden and they were all active.

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