What Happened To Jennybugs?

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All that needs to be done when someone is banned is the mod send the person a message and email containing a reason why they were banned.
its so easy for us to judge from the outside and not get the whole story. As someone who works partially with the mods i know for a fact then when a member goes i dunno why i was kicked, suspended or banned they are are only telling the half truth. the mods to protect the privacy of the individual who may have violated those rules do not post what they do. we do not see what the members do privately, but i have seen it for myself in the chat room as well. while members might appear knowledgeable they can bully off screen, taunt and call people some horrible names.
and the mods do not play favorites, i know for a fact some members who were recently banned were friends of the mods, but they pushed the line to far, they were given multiple chances and ignored everyone of them, so in the end they got what they deserve.

give the mods a brake, we have rules, you agreed to them you get kicked, suspended or banned its your fault and yours alone
its so easy for us to judge from the outside and not get the whole story. As someone who works partially with the mods i know for a fact then when a member goes i dunno why i was kicked, suspended or banned they are are only telling the half truth. the mods to protect the privacy of the individual who may have violated those rules do not post what they do. we do not see what the members do privately, but i have seen it for myself in the chat room as well. while members might appear knowledgeable they can bully off screen, taunt and call people some horrible names.
and the mods do not play favorites, i know for a fact some members who were recently banned were friends of the mods, but they pushed the line to far, they were given multiple chances and ignored everyone of them, so in the end they got what they deserve.

give the mods a brake, we have rules, you agreed to them you get kicked, suspended or banned its your fault and yours alone

I totally agree with you but I do think a small notice should be put up to highlight that a rule was broken hence the banning.
ie RDP50734 banned for swearing.
Then it can highlight that it will not be tolerated. It should only be mods who can post in it and certainly not the members in an effort to keep it in control. I believe it would do more good than harm.
Hi all.

Let me add the following:

Most of the mods here dread banning anyone. The reason we are here is NOT to carry a big stick around but because we love the hobby and we enjoy being part of a community that fosters it's growth. ALL OF US have tanks. We grow underwater plants; we breed fish; we culture food media; we protein skim. We are here to continue to do the same EXCEPT that we volunteer our time to contribute and ensure that the members of our community are treated fairly. We also help to maintain the smooth running of the forum and maintain a productive membership by ensuring that the guidelines of the forum are followed.

Banning a member is not a simple push of a button. We aren't leaning back with a cigar in one hand, a beer in the other and pushing an eject button.

It is a serious matter that ALL OF US take to heart. The matter is discussed thoroughly and NO ONE is banned unless the mods feel it is indicated and necessary. Even if one us bans a member, another moderator has a voice to bring up a 'nay'. For the most part, serious discussion ensues prior to a ban being issued.

Although I cannot give out details of the exact issues, I CAN relate that the week before she was banned, I was personally congratulating Jennybugs on winning TOTM. The decision was difficult for all. Sometimes...it is not just about a single rule that is broken, but, the way it is done.

As a final note, the simple presence of this thread shows that this forum still works. No one likes rules and regs. I hate paying taxes but I do. I stop at red lights. I don't flame or troll.

i think all relevant points have been made here in this thread, and answers provided.

perhaps its time to start thinking about closing this thread before it turns into a bit of a match. - im a goody goody, i dont do this, i dont do that.... im sure blah blah didnt do that either.
i think all relevant points have been made here in this thread, and answers provided.

perhaps its time to start thinking about closing this thread before it turns into a bit of a match.

OK Nick... I'll take you up on that one.... We have seen a lot and we appreciate the input from everyone... Please let us not have a thread in retalliation... The situation is under mod discussion, which includes looking at the applicable rules.
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