Dave-Oddballs banned as well!! didn;t know that, who else?
seems, to me, some members (especially values and long serving members) are in the wrong club. "now this is only my view". seems you need to have the right friends, if you wish to post contrary to some members views.
I've seen discussions quashed, recently, just because they don't line up, with a mods views. seem members banned, given the least excuse, too.
I give a warning, not that those involved give a hoot. this forum is turning, from one of the best, to one of the least useful, forums on fish. as with most coups, those who don't agree, keep their heads down,, or just leave. a few seem to have tried to make their points, and got banned anyway.
now I await the "why don't you leave if things are that bad" comments. my answer is. this is my forum as much as anybody's. i'll leave if i wish. but if i stay around and stick to the rules, i can always make my point to others. I'LL DECIDE, the choice will not be made by others.

lol unless there is something in this, that warrants a ban. I'm running a book, for those interested. lol.