What Happened To Jennybugs?

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Fish Aficionado
Oct 28, 2006
Reaction score
Kent, UK
Was speaking to Jennybugs the other day and she says she has been banned from here. Was curious what is up with that. Haven't read all her posts but she was a highly active member on here as well as having a good amount of marine knowledge (which is limited and valuable in the salty section). Never saw her being offensive to anyone or anything like that and every post I had ever read was always helpful and polite.

Not expecting a reply on here and not sure that would be a good idea anyway if someone feels like PM'ing me I would appreciate it. Apparently nobody even sent her a warning or a message to say why she was banned.

I love this forum but its a little disconcerting to see another respected, helpful and knowledgeable member being lost to the forum (particularly as its another person from the salty side). Not really being nosey or stir up stuff but just don't understand some of the decisions when it comes to members and we have lost a lot of valuable members (from the marine section) over the last year.
I agree, I think it should be put onto the forum the reason why people are being banned, if only for others not to make the same mistake and possibly preventing the banning of other members. It could be used as a tool to prevent rather than a name and shame sort of thing! Obviously not trying to stir up trouble! :good:
no, putting it on the forum in public view is very wrong. we would just descend into a naming and shaming forum and that would be awful.

Maybe a mod could Pm xxBarneyxx to quitely discuss this....
Lately there has been many members banned, I dont mean the entire details of the banning should be posted, just A Nother breaking profanity rules etc.. and if is only made so the mods can post and not members it can go no further! Use it for good rather than letting it escalate into an argument!
Yeah I don't think putting up a list of banned members is a great idea and I wasn't expecting a full on discussion in this thread. Just was hoping for a mod who is in the know to drop me a pm and put my mind at rest that there was a very good reason for this.

I very rarely post outside the marine section on this forum (as I don't have FW fish anymore) but over the last year I have seen a lot of marine members lost to the forum for one reason or another (some are understandable, others not so much). As the marine section has a small membership anyway each of these lost members has been a big lose to the marine section.

Sorry, don't want to drag up past instances and stuff here, what is done, is done. Just trying to put across why I'm asking about it.
Was speaking to Jennybugs the other day and she says she has been banned from here.

Maybe Barney... since you were speaking to her... She could've filled you in, but as it usually is with these kind of "sensitive" issues... I'm glad that this topic is (currently) still platonic and have evolved into a discussion about whether we should disclose the reasons for banning ppl in the public domain or not...

Along those lines, we can get a feel for the views of our members and base our future decisions on popular (or validated) reasoning... but invariably, topics of this "sensitive" nature turns into accusations and fingerpointing, hence the reason they are invariably closed.

All I can say, is as much deliberation goes into the banning of members (sometimes being discussed for weeks) as there goes into ellecting a new moderator.... these decisions are not taken lightly and we have to get a 100% mod agreement on those issues. Keep this topic along those lines, and we will all learn from it.
I didn;t realise she;d been banned and again I always found her posts to be harmless. Who else has been banned? :sad:

Ludwig can you let us know what kind of behaviour gets you banned?
I didn;t realise she;d been banned and again I always found her posts to be harmless. Who else has been banned? :sad:

Ludwig can you let us know what kind of behaviour gets you banned?

To save me from a 2 page long discussion Simonas... the quickest reply I can give to that one is... Read the rules, and all of those saying that "this could lead to a suspension" and the likes... Those are the reasons.
I've never read them in all these years but just have. They all make sense to be honest :good:
Thanks for reply. As you say it's never easy to get an unbiased account of what actually happened. Are you saying that in this case the member either did something so heinous it deserved an instant ban or that this user had already received multiple warnings before they where banned?

Personally I don't think bringing these things to the "public vote" is really worth it. Knowing most of the people that used to be active in the marine section on here I know for a fact they would never come back whether the forum members wanted them or not. I know I sure as hell wouldn't bother if the mods decided there was reason to put it to the vote in the first place.

I know these things aren't discussed here for good reason but seriously. We used to have a lot of good people posting in the marine section and it was really starting to take off. Now there are only a few of us left here and then we found out that one of the more active members was banned.

I find it extremely difficult to believe that jennybugs would do anything bad enough to deserve being banned. Just have a read through her posts, the vast majority of them were her offer help and advice to people. If this standard of member has been banned for anything less then seriously breaking several of the forums rules and ignoring all previous warnings then the moderating team and forum owners need to take a long hard look at their moderating practices.
I've never read them in all these years but just have. They all make sense to be honest :good:

meh, not really mate when the enforcement of them rules leads to us losing at least 6 of our long standing members who where highly active in the marine section (the marine section on this forum is pretty much dead now compared to how it was 8 months ago).

Having only got one side of the story (from Jen) apparently the only thing she did that was even remotely breaking the rules was to PM a link to some bi-orb forums to other members. Now if this is the reason she was banned then its bloody ridiculous. For one these forums are SPECIALIST and as another recent thread on here states that specialist forums are ok to post but its a mod decision if the links get left in or removed (generally specialist links get left in). Plus it was via PM and she didn't (again from her side of the story) get any warnings and has been ignored by the mods she has emailed (she didnt name any names).
I've never read them in all these years but just have. They all make sense to be honest :good:

meh, not really mate when the enforcement of them rules leads to us losing at least 6 of our long standing members who where highly active in the marine section (the marine section on this forum is pretty much dead now compared to how it was 8 months ago).

Having only got one side of the story (from Jen) apparently the only thing she did that was even remotely breaking the rules was to PM a link to some bi-orb forums to other members. Now if this is the reason she was banned then its bloody ridiculous. For one these forums are SPECIALIST and as another recent thread on here states that specialist forums are ok to post but its a mod decision if the links get left in or removed (generally specialist links get left in). Plus it was via PM and she didn't (again from her side of the story) get any warnings and has been ignored by the mods she has emailed (she didnt name any names).

well that wouldn;t make sense I agree I just commented on the racist etc posts that would lead to a ban

I noticed that a lot of experienced marine members had gone
Has truck been banned as well? I haven't seen him on in a while.

Not entirely sure. I don't think so though. Didn't really want to bring the whole thing up again but some members left because of a disagreement and a few other members went with them. Not commenting on that situation as I wasn't around at the time and from what I have been told there was silliness on both sides(like I said, i wasn't here, i dont know :) ).

members leaving because they disagree with the way the forum is run is one thing. Long standing members being banned though is entirely another.
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