What Happened Here?


Fish Addict
Sep 23, 2008
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Manchester, UK
Hi folks, just come back from good old Wales. Hoped over to Anglesey for the day (Beaumaris) and noticed about two dozen Dogfish(?) along the shoreline.... First thing that puzzled us is why so many? Something to do with a wrong catch maybe?

The other thing we noted was a hole in one side of each fish, just around / behind the gills. Something obviously with fussy taste, but can anyone enlighten us as to what might have happened here?



id imagine it was either the fish all got washed up in a big wave (unlikely) or, probally, it was fishermen. Still seems odd theyd chuck them even if it wasnt what they were trying to catch? odd
certainly bicatch from fishing nets...probably gill netting as this produces so much bi-catch and poor dogfish are usually always tangled up in them looking for easy meals. as for the holes- fishing gaff, knife to dispatch them and throw them overboard or even gunshot? sad that this happens. a lot more than youd think too in this day and age. poor gentle dogfish :angry:
probably eaten by sea birds that have picked out the goodies inside its head including the eyes.

no doubt a result of fishing.

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