What got you into fish keeping?

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Fish Crazy
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
Happy Valley, Utah...Otherwise known as Spanish Fo
I was just wondering what got everybody into fish keeping??

My dad bought me a little 1 gallon Spongebob Fish Tank for Christmas and I started out with some neons, a guromie and some white cloud minnows. By the second day of watching them, I was totally hooked..

What' your story? :)
I would have to say after I watched finding Nemo, especially when I played the Virtual aquarium portion of the extras on Disc 2. It relaxed me so much, my husband had to almost scrape me off the couch because I was snoring so much, lol
ANd P.S. Don't you mean "WATER" keeping? lol
I made a random decision while at wal-mart to buy a 1 gallon tank. Judging by the picture on the box I figured I could fit 5 white cloud minnows or a betta. -_-

I never ended up using that 1 gallon, but that led to a 2.5 gallon tank which led to another 2.5 gallon tank, which led to a 10 gallon tank. See what that 1 gallon started!! :lol: :D
My sister got me into this since she's the first one who bought a tank(5 Gallon) then after coming with her in the LFS i just got hook by looking at many different species of fish and end up with a freebie 10 Gallon from a neighboor. :D
My dad used to have a 55 gallon (which I have now). He was going to flush a black tetra because he thought it was eating his neons (he had angelfish). I took George (the black tetra) and put him into a 1 gallon. He was later moved to a turtle tank :crazy: , then a 20 gallon (my first big fish tank). I bought a clown loach, 2 more black tetras, and 2 guppies. I then put the 55 gallon in my room and transferred all my fish into there, bought many more fish and live plants. I am now an addict and spend all of my money on plants and fish. :D I am currently planning to buy a 48inch triple strip floresent light for $99
my friend bred angels and offered me and another friend some for free.

so i bought a 10, then a 55 gallon for them.

then i kept buying stuff :nod: :p
My brother in law managed an apartment complex and he had one of his tenants arrested and kicked out. Anyway long story short he left behind a 55 gallon Sea Clear acrylic tank. Right before that I had a 10 gallon in our bedroom, it has just kind of exploded from there.

Rick B)
I had a friend who had a 15 gallon tank that was SA-WEET!!! I had always admired it and when her fiance died she came to live with us for a while.... so her tank came with her. When she moved out we missed it and so for Valentine's day 1995 my hubbie (then boyfriend) bought me a 55 gallon from Wal-Mart. We knew absolutely nothing about keeping fish other than what our friend had told us, but we somehow bought all of the right aquipment and the filter we bought (H.O.T) is still working after all of these years! Our friend introduced us to our awesome LFS lady, and we haven't looked back!

just for grins........we hit a deer on the way home that night and totaled our car. I was in back holding the tank........somehow it didn't break and neither did I (no seatbelt 'cause the tank was too big)!!! I was more concerned about the tank than the car, although I am sure my husband sees the tank and still thinks of the night the deer took out his "too expensive for our budget but I am a young man who needs to look cool around our friends" Trans Am. I hope he is over it by now.......... :D
My teen-age daughter got me going. Now I'm trying to convince my husband that another 30-gallon tank is a good idea :hey:

When i was a young lad, My moms friends daughter(bout 6 older than me) bought me a fancy goldfish and a fish bowel. I had the fish for a long time, then i bought a 10 gallon.

Then i got a 20 ,got more fish then a another 20, more fish.

I had many diff types of fish in this time, then my first fish died.

Then i had to put my friends piranahha in my 10 tank while his got fixed.

And during that time my moms bF got me a 55 gall
I put some feeder fish and one comet goldfish i had picked up during my time.

The comet(7 years) and the biggest fish(6 years,, 20 CM) are still there in my living room.
Then i had mollies and guppies in the 10 gall with tons of plants.

In 1 month i had mabye 60 fry!

Then the incident.......

A heavy lamp that was on my tv next to the ten gallon the Fell and smashed the tank.

I was 10 and had mouths full of fry and fish water, all the fish died.

That set my off fish for a while, but the 55 gal was still there.

Just recently my friend gave my his 40 gal and some fish, now im back!

Somry for taking up so much space, when i write something i cant stop!
I wanted to try to win one of those goldfish at the carnival and my Grandma said no that she would take me to get some fish.... I got a .5 gallon with two black moors ughh... needless to say they were dead the next day. so I got a one gallon from wal-mart and the lfs sold me a fancy goldfish, a small goldfish that turned out to be a koi, and a pleco. LOVELY!!! So they got too big and I got a ten gallon, I had that for ever with different types of fish for about 3 years then upgraded it to an 18 gallon tall. My brother also had a betta that lived for about 2 years even though he treated it like crap. Then after seeing finding nemo my mom wanted a tank so bad so she bout a 29 gallon and I kind of took it over. No one touches it but me or they loose a finger! That just spurted into a bunch of other stuff. as you can see in my sig. My most resent obsession is bettas. It started with two I saw at wal-mart and felt bad for and it's kind of just going and going!
when i was little i had a 3 gal with 2 goldfish in it. i killed so many then, but many lived for quite a while. 2 years ago one of my favourite fish, a black moor, i think they're called, died and i got very upset so i gave up on fish keeping for a few years.

then last spring i was at my aunty and uncle's house, and my auntie and 2 cousins all have fish tanks. i was watching my aunties (a 10 gal with way too many guppies, platies, cories, fry) and i decided i wanted a tank too (it was just so mesmerising :look: ). so i read loads of fish books from my library then i went out and got a 20 gal.

now i'm trying to get another, but there is no room in my bedroom so i'm working on my mum to let me put one in the living room (with such phrases as 'it would be so much more entertaining than tv' and 'it teaches me resposibilities' or 'but you know you love looking at my tank'). so far no luck but soon... :shifty:
My dad had a 55g community tank when we were growing up (the only fish I distinctly remember him keeping were neons, although he had quite a few species). He then got a bit restless and itched for more space, so we dug out a water garden in the backyard about 15 years ago. He assembled the filter from an old pool filter and built a small waterfall and put in some lily pads, and then added a few koi and goldfish. The pond continues to thrive today; the koi are large and beautiful.

When I was taking a year off from college about 10 years ago I had the thought that it would be nice to keep some fish too. My dad helped me set up a 10g tank. I kept 2 goldfish successfully for several months despite not knowing anything at all about biological filtration or water changes. After I went back to school my fish died, presumably when the weather changed and it got colder (my tank didn't have a heater), though there was always something a bit strange about that story, given that my dad was such a careful fishkeeper...

I didn't think at all about fish for the next 10 years. In October I went to visit my friend in Baltimore, and we visited the aquarium there. I'd been living a very sloppy bachelor's life ever since college, and something about having thoughts about organizing my life, seeing her comfortable and neat apartment, and seeing all those beautiful fish in the aquarium made me think "I should get fish!".

I did about 2.5 months of research and in early December got a 29 gallon tank. I also cleaned and organized my apartment, incidentally. The aquarium now houses 5 platies and 6 glowlights, and I'm already thinking beyond stocking this tank and wondering where I can find space in my apartment for another tank... :D

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