What Goodeids Are You Keeping!


New Member
Feb 21, 2011
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Ok!I'm posting this because I want to find different species of goodeids that are out here that we can find. post what your keeping
I don't have all the location names on my list but this is a start.

Xenotoca eiseni Rio Compostela, Nayarit, Dibble 2003
Chapalichthys sp. ‘Mintzita’ -
Ataeniobius toweri, Anteojitos,
Zoogoneticus tequila, Rio Teuchitlan
Xenotoca eiseni, Rio Tamazula, Wessel
Skiffia multipunctata,
Skiffia francesae, Rio Teuchitlan
Characodon sp. '27 de Noviembre'
Characodon sp. 'Los Pinos', Rio Canatlan, J.M. Artigas, 2001
Goodea atripinnis luitpoldi, Laguna Opopeo, Michoacan
Ilyodon furcidens, Comala
Ilyodon xantusi
Xenoophorus captivus, #92### Maria, SLP, Artigas & Kaufman 1997
Skiffia lermae
Zoogoneticus quitzeoensis
Characodon sp. 'Abraham Gonzales'
Allodontichthys zonistius, Rio Ayoquila, Jalisco 2000
Xenoophorus variata #92### Maria
Allotoca dugesii var. ‘Black Sport’, Rancho El Molino, Dibble 2000
Goodea gracilis, Rio San Juan Del Rio, Queretaro, Miller
Xenotaenia resolanae
Characodon sp. 'El Toboso'
Characodon sp. 'Los Berros'
Chapalichthys encaustus
Zoogoneticus quitzeoensis Laguna Zacapu
Ilyodon cortesae
Skiffia bilineata
Zoogoneticus purhepechus
my goodeids
Allodontichthys tamazulae
Allodontichthys zonistus jalisco mexico
Alloophorus robustus lago de patzcuaro, michoacan, mexico
Allotoca zacapuensis Lake Zacapu 2000
Allotoca dugesii
Ameca splendensrio teuchitlan lambert collection 1996
Ataeniobius toweri rio verde, mexico
Chapalichthys encaustus lago, de capala,
Chapalichthys encaustus albino form
Chapalichthys pardalis
Characodon audax El toboso, Durango, mexico
Characodon lateralis los berros, Durango, mexico
Characodon lataralis sp. Guadalupe Aguilera mexico
Characodon lateralis los pinos, mexico
Girardinichthys multiradiatus maravatio, mexico
Girardinichthys viviparous D. lambert collection 1989
Goodea atripinnis lago patzcuaro
Goodea atripinnis marivito, mexico
Goodea atripinnis laguna opopeo
Goodea atripinnis Lake Zacapu
Ilyodon ameca aquarium strain
Ilyodon xantusi
Ilyodon whitei
Ilyodon cortesae
skiffia bilineata
skiffia multipunctata
Skiffia Lermae
Skiffia Sp V188
Xenotaenia resolanae
Xenophorus captivus aquarium strain
Xenotoca eiseni rio tamazula mexico
Xenotoca eiseni granja sahuaripa, mexico
Xenotoca eiseni golden saddle san marcos
Xenotoca eiseni aquarium strain
Xenotoca melanosoma
Zoogoneticus tequila rio teuchitlan. Jalisco, mexico
Zoogoneticus quintzeoensis Lake Chapala
I certainly need a bigger fish room Helterskelter. At present I only have 9 or 10 goodeid species. I also have some nice X montezumae and 2 collections of nezzy swords along with a few other poeciliids. A fish room would let me truly expand my species collection.
I certainly need a bigger fish room Helterskelter. At present I only have 9 or 10 goodeid species. I also have some nice X montezumae and 2 collections of nezzy swords along with a few other poeciliids. A fish room would let me truly expand my species collection.

You can get more species of fish if you trade. I have found trading fish gets you the most out of this hobby.
Almost everyone in the ALA trades, this is to insure that species are moving around to different areas. If people sell it just makes it harder and harder to get people to know about these species that are faceing endangerment.
You can always set up ten gallons. That's all you need.
It is not a question of not being able to find the fish DW, I have individual species tanks for each one and I am out of room to set up more tanks. I have 26 tanks running and last time I went to the ALA convention I only came home with 3 species because I had no more room. As it is I had to shoehorn some of those fish in to get them a home. I would have brought home 15 to 20 species if I had the tank room. They were all there for the taking if I had the room. Prices at that auction got ridiculously low after the first couple of hours.
Dw has a good point. I stack my fishroom 3 high. I sold all my bigger tanks to make room for smaller ones. Some one is probably gonna kill me for saying this, but I have found good success breeding some in my backyard with a 6 gallon tub with egg crate over the top to stop birds and rodent from entering. Now I only keep these during summer months out here and only put hardier ones out there like the ameca spledans, x. Captivus, eisenis, etc... You can see them color up real nice from eating the mosquito larves....
I have a 150 gallon tub that I use in summer for my livebearers but that tub is used to improve the quality of my fish, not to expand the number of fish that I keep. This year it got stocked with Brachrhaphis roseni and xiphophorus evelanae but I cannot say that the resulting fish will warrant my use of that tub. I held back a significant number of the swordtails because I was concerned about he temperatures I could hold on that tub. If all goes well, I will retrieve some great looking swords and brachys in the fall. If not, I will not have lost much. I held back plenty of the swords in my indoors tank and the Brachys have not bred for me for several years indoors, so losing the last 3 of them would not be a big loss.
I'm new to this site, and new to the livebearers, my favorites, and am wanting to know where I can find pics of these fish you folks are talking about.
I'd dearly love to trade for some fish, but live in AZ. I've posted on another site for AZ fishkeepers, and not one reply, kinda sad to say the least. I'd love to get a livebearer group going, or an anything, but I can't drum up anything here. You folks in Ala are very lucky to have what you do and be able to trade.
Anyway if someone can point me to where I can find more info and pics of these rarer livebearers, I'd be most grateful.

I'm new to this site, and new to the livebearers, my favorites, and am wanting to know where I can find pics of these fish you folks are talking about.
I'd dearly love to trade for some fish, but live in AZ. I've posted on another site for AZ fishkeepers, and not one reply, kinda sad to say the least. I'd love to get a livebearer group going, or an anything, but I can't drum up anything here. You folks in Ala are very lucky to have what you do and be able to trade.
Anyway if someone can point me to where I can find more info and pics of these rarer livebearers, I'd be most grateful.


Welcome to this site! There are several places to find pictures of fish. You just have to know the names of the fish. For Goodeids the best website that is still going that describes and shows pictures that I have found is : http://www.goodeiden.de/html/goodeids.html . The Different species are on the left side of the page. It describes specie by specie. Also there is the American Livebearer Association website which lists all of the known species of Goodeids : http://livebearers.org/modules/content/index.php?id=23 . There are a ton of different livebearers. One rare live bearer that I would love to get a hold of is xiphophorus couchianus which is a species that is extinct in the wild and is related to Swordtails and platies. I am not actually part of the ALA. I joined on the website but not a member. Would love to someday though. I got my fish from researching, auctions, and other ways. The no reply on the post in the other forum is no surprise to me. It doesn't matter which forum or website it is no reply's is a common thing. What I have found with finding rare fish is to do some research and find people that might have them. Not a lot of people will come out and say they have them when they do. Basically you have to go to the people. The most popular way of distributing fish is to ship them. Also to go to Fish Auctions and Conventions held by the ALA, local fish clubs, and other organizations. A popular site for finding breeders/sellers is : www.aquabid.com . It is great to know that you are very interested in these rare and threatened fish. It is very important to pass these fish around to keep them going and away from extinction! The more people that have an interest in preserving fish and keeping them pure the better. I have 7 species of Goodeids. I live in Illinois but I would be glad to ship when I have a surplus of them if you are interested. Please e-mail me at [email protected] or [email protected]. Thanks! I hope this helps! Good luck!
Another source for Xiphophorus info is the xiphophorus center at http://www.xiphophorus.txstate.edu/ . They have a few pictures of the different swords and platies but are not easy for a hobbyist to use as a source of fish. I try to attend the ALA convention each year so that I can find the "hard to find" livebearers that others of us are maintaining. 2 years ago I picked up some nice A. towerii and this year I got some C. encaustus from the species maintenance offerings. Although there are not many different livebearers at your local fish shop, you may be surprised to find that livebearers are a rather common group of diverse fish once you make inroads into their availability. As it turns out, there is nothing at all rare about livebearers in nature. Many of the more common and well known sharks in the ocean are even livebearers although they are not suitable for the home aquarium. Cichlid people have stolen the spotlight in the hobby, but that is due to a fascination with parental behavior and does not reflect the frequency that we find a particular kind of fish in the wild.

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