What Goes Well With Tiger Barbs?

I've never kept barbs, but have seen them mercilessly rip the fins off corys.
This was in an Lfs, there were about 30 tiger barbs & a few bronze corys, the barbs wouldn't leave them alone, the poor corys hardly had any fins left
I had to get someone to take the corys out of the tank, whether they survived or not I don't know.
A friend of mine also had trouble with barbs nipping at her fish, she rehomed them.
So yes, barbs can be nippy, which is why I always say that just to warn people of the possibility
My older angelfish was terrified of tiger barbs, it would hide under some plants if they came near. My new one is much better. The barbs tear themselves to shreds, every one has a split fin or two, but they give the guppies and angels an occasional poke. My single Buenoes Aires Tetra, on the other hand, dominated the tank until I gave him away a few weeks ago. You should keep an eye on them, if you notice them going after another fish, pull them out.
... yet you don't see people warning that tetras can be nippy...
... yet you don't see people warning that tetras can be nippy...
No, you don't :( I have just had to move my angel because my Congo tetras are nipping at him *sighs*

Are there any barbs that are nippers, apart from tigers? I can't think of any, off the top of my head.
... yet you don't see people warning that tetras can be nippy...

Maybe post this in a tetra based thread then, we are still right to claim that some barbs can be the way they are, why? Because there are countless stories of it... No one is branding anything to be honest, yes some people go a bit ott when talking about barbs but Ive seen people mention the nippiness of some tetra just as quickly
>>> claim that some barbs can be the way they are

Hmm, improvement at least. As FM says above, of the hundreds of species called barbs, lets have you name a few others.
>>> claim that some barbs can be the way they are

Hmm, improvement at least. As FM says above, of the hundreds of species called barbs, lets have you name a few others.
I can honestly say that Tiger barbs are the only ones I hve seen be nippy. I have 9 cherry barbs in one of my communities and they are the most peaceful fish in the tank...swim about, minding their own business.
>>> claim that some barbs can be the way they are

Hmm, improvement at least. As FM says above, of the hundreds of species called barbs, lets have you name a few others.

Sorry that meant to read as- some tiger barbs

>>> claim that some barbs can be the way they are

Hmm, improvement at least. As FM says above, of the hundreds of species called barbs, lets have you name a few others.

Sorry that meant to read as- some tiger barbs
My Tiger Barbs are not nippers at all. Somebody else's could be. Only way to know for sure is keep them in sufficient numbers 6+ and see how your Tigers act. Your Rosy Barbs need to be in a group of 6+ also.
Well I have 12 barbs now (4 tigers, 4 green & 4 albino) and although they have clearly attacked each other as I see a few with bits of fin missing I have never actually SEEN them attack my other tetras which are lemon & beacon tetras and some harlequin rasboras althoigh they did bully them initially but all 'seems' to have settled down now, well so far as I'm aware!!!
I think it is better for barbs to be kept in numbers as they clearly have an aggressive nature hence it helps to spread the aggression through a larger group & reduces the stress on an individual fish. However that said, fish also have their own personalities as such and where one barb might be fine & peaceful another maybe a complete little s**t!!
That said, I do think barbs have a bit of a raw deal regards there reputation for Aggressiveness but that said, I think it's better that people are aware of the 'possible' pitfalls rather than just go in blind as so to speak then find out the hard way at the expense of losing numerous poor fish.
I think barbs are great & awesome to watch
.... They just need a little understanding!! Lol.
never had any problems with nippy Barbs atm I have 8 tigers and 8 Odessa barbs the odessa's were a little bit aggressive but that is when I only had 4 (lost three quickly after I had bought them) when I added another 4 everything was hunky dory. in fact they were all being bullied by a RTBS. but that got re homed at my father in laws. but I think Tigers get a bad press un-deservedly as i have found them great community fish
Regardless of reputation, I did notice at my LFS, whom has a large tank with about 40-50 of them, they do make a rather amazing species tank. They school like you wouldnt believe.
Hmmm ..... On the back of Dieses comment & this thread, , was thinking of rams & apistos for my 5ft x2ft tank but now thinking maybe up my tiger numbers, 6 clown loaches, school of around 20 harlequin rasboras and 20 cardinal tetras. Is this overstocking? Is well filtered by the way!!
Hmmm, do love watching my tigers chase one another around and they are so active & entertaining (plus very hardy fish too!!! ) hence .....
Apologies for encroaching on the post .
Oh, clown loaches are apparently ideal tank mates for tigers but i cant now remember how big your tank is .... Though you need a big tank for clown loaches and they need a decent sized group but hey, just a thought!!!
Defo recomnend tigers though as very entertertaining although as you no doubt aware, can be difficult finding suitable tank mates for them & suppose some people dont like particularly active fish such as tigers.
Keep us posted on what you decide!!

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