Crossing Barb...

I had Tiger barbs, when I was a kid, and I think most people think of them when they hear the word barb, but there are so many different ones, some just as colorful as many of the tetras, and some barbs get quite large, but seems in reality most are the size of mid sized Cichlids, or smaller… one has to be careful though, as some get as big as salt water sharks
It might be the other picture made the yellow more intense - they are only $7 @ wetspot when in stock.
Anyway no barb for me no no no - when my 24 cherry pass no barbs for me. no no no. Btw i purchased 10 cherry barbs from aquahunaa - they were all males. A year later i purchased 10 cherry barbs from aquahuna 9 were females. Now i'm stuck with 11 males and 9 females in an aquarium. stuck stuck stuck.
Cherry barbs are okay, but those bigger Dawkinsia draw the eye. It's like anything in the hobby - new species come in and we forget why the old ones were and are popular. Novelty only has limited value, but that doesn't mean new discoveries are not really interesting.
My 3, today, still coloring up… top to bottom, male, female, male, and they are all approximately 4 inches right now… males are getting red lips already
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My Dawkinsia rohani barbs


showed up today from Dan's... it's 11 degrees below zero this morning... all fish alive, as they were sent out last night, had heat packs, & were delivered in less than 20 hours..., but went right into the 80 degree hot room, until I can take them home...also a 3rd group of the long fin bronze Cory's, and a handful more spot tail algae eaters ( Crossocheilus reticulatus )... support team for the tank...
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my rohani look like the female Assimilis right now, but the rohani are about 2/3 the size, and starting to get red tails... so I should be able to tell the difference... they look close enough, that the new ones immediately joined the mascara group, but seem to have found their own identity the 1st day...

a quick and dirty picture of a couple of my rohani 1st morning
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BTW... I think often the barbs are judged by the Tiger barb, which most people have experienced... not all, and I would go so far as to say most barbs, are not fin nippers... several of these barbs will get filaments , and I have several long fin species in the tank, aeneus, and long fin green dragon plecos, all with no nipped fins

mixed group started
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Ruby say's a few Rosy barbs... this one with the best color, maybe a male???
@WhistlingBadger ... that is funny, as I started a thread asking the difference between a Rosy barb, and a gold fish, a couple weeks ago, before I bought the Rosy's

mine are still babies, so guesses as to what they will become... hopefully they are striving to look like these centerfold pictures...
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well this tank is pretty much stocked now ( I may make exception in a couple areas depending the circumstances ) I would liked to have gotten a couple filamentosa

I'm assuming they were seasonally unavailable...

and I've not had very good luck with a lot of the specialty. line bred plecos, they just haven't proven themselves in my tanks... the long fin green dragon plecos ( 2 ) have been growing, and seem to be thriving... I didn't go with panda garra's, as I have a school of them in my hillstream tank... if the green dragons don't end up working out, I think I would add a second group of pandas to this tank, as Mrs. loves them... I do like to keep my tanks regional, but I'm not opposed, to adding something interesting like the green dragon plecos to this tank, or the Zebra Oto's to my African Tetra tank... sometimes other fish just seem to fit so well... in the case of the Zebra Oto's, they are a perfect fit in the African tank... I'm hoping the dragons are a perfect fit in this tank... they were one of the 1st fish added, after the Tin Foil barbs...
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