What Freshwater Or Brackish Oddball For A 75?


Fish Addict
Jan 18, 2005
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Greece and USA (dual citizenship)
Im contumplating (i know i have bad spelling) if i should sell my 75 gallon setup or keep it. IF i do keep it i want some really odd large fish for it. I would prefer one big predator for the tank but i might do a couple single species fish. I would do either fresh or brackish. What would you reccomend? (already have an oscar :) )

what i have my eye on so far: brackish siamese tigerfish, tiger scats, ropefish, red bellied piranhas, and discus.
Siamese tigers grow slowly, painfully slowly, i have one that is 3 years old and still only around 8 inches long.

How about a wolf fish? A 75 would make a great home for one of the larger species such as Hoplias malabaricus and these fish wrote the rules when it comes to aggression and power.
hmmm if i wanted piranhas i think i would do a s. compressus or s. geryi or maybe even a blacked masked elongatus. ( i dont know what I was thinking with red-bellies). I already have wimple piranha so i dont think i want more p's. great idea cfc! i like wolf fish :hey: but dont you think a 75 would be a bit too small? (its us gallons btw) are there any pacu species suitable for a 75 gallon?
Theres ALOT of different species of wolf fish, not all of them get as big as your thinking. This fish does get big, but since it doesnt move around alot it doesnt need a very big tank. This fish gets big but the potential size it can get is greatly reduced when kept in an aquarium.
that wolf fish species get around 14 inches captivity as ive read (could be wrong), but i really dont like the idea of having a fish that size in a tank 18 inches wide, im not saying its wrong i just think the fish would be more comfortable in a larger aquarium.

too bad there arent any dwarf pacu species! but are there any similar large omnivorus fish like them? The closet thing i can think of is a giant gourami but they get bigger than pacus! another close thing would be monos but i really dont have an inerest in them.

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