What Food


Fish Fanatic
Jan 30, 2006
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do you use for Fry (growth)

what is best for quick growth
I just crush up flakes into tiny pieces. If there is live plants in the tank then the chances are they are feeding on small pieces of plant (or at least the cretins found on them!)

I know you can get fry, pro-growth food but i've never tried it so I couldn't say how effective it is.
I normally use tetramin fry food, frozen baby brineshrimp and brine shrimp eggs, I have noticed while in a breeding trap they stay smaller and once released into my larger tank they soon grow
I use Interpet's Liquifry 3 Baby Plus powder - but I don't think it's much different from crushed up flake food - the adults all love it too, though - so at least it adds to the variety of their food :D
I use microworms, baby grindal worms (both live) and crushed flake.

I would do BBS but haven't got any money ATM.


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