what fish


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2004
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ok this is my 1st tank people i have a 48inch x12inchx18inch tank so thats 170liters of water which is about 37 which has live plants and bog wood and slate.

i have 5 green tiger barb and 5 tiger barb and 2 black ruby barb and a black red tail shark.

what fish can go well with my barb? or shud i just put more barb in and have a species set up?

any suggest wud be helpful

oh i have been told i cud have a betta in there cos i have a gud number of barb which will stop the fin nipping is that ture or is my lfs telling me fibs? lol


Well I would try to relocate the sharks. Sharks eventualy become very territorial, especialy with other sharks that look remotly like them (with some exceptions), so you should either make sure to only have one, or have a huge group. If you make the schools of barbs big enough, you chould almost have most communtiy fish, as the barbs would spend more time chasing themselves than the other fish. Just make sure you stay away from fish with longer fins. I don't think you should risk a betta in there though. Barbs will most likely go for its fins, and if not them, than the sharks would. :/
what about the betta then?

and what a about cardnail teras?

also how did u get a pic of yer tank there and what u have in yer tank underneath yer reply

I think you should maybe add some bottom feeders instead of adding more barbs, with the sharks you already have the middle layer of your tank full.

whats a corrie?

never seen them before? how big they get

i want a imperial zebra pleco?

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