What Fish Would You Most Want To Breed?

I'd like to breed khuli loaches because I love the little guys, but alas, that's very difficult to get them to do in captivity.
my yo yo loaches :nod:
i just have to wait until they grow and then im ready :)

If I could find a way of stopping my peppered corys from snacking on all their eggs that would be good.

On a more longterm basis, if they ever ever let me buy a bigger tank, I would like to breed some of the less common livebearers, maybe priapella intermedia or blue limia.
Bettas...in fact I plan to real soon, I just need a few more supplies.
bettas, splendens and wild types. and cories too.
that'd be cool.
don't think i'll ever have the space, time or resources though :(
I'm hoping that i can breed some rays sometime in the next year or so and if i can find some male specimins i want to try and breed my Ageneiosus catfishes but what i'd really like to do is crack how to spawn catfish from the Pimelodidae family.

Is this what you do for a living CFC? you seem to have a tons of fish and loads of info.
Bettas mainly, I've tried at least 5 different combos and they still won't get jiggy :rolleyes: My loaches too, thats if they're actually all the same species (striped khulis) and not a random mix of the various types... Hopefully once they've matured they'll start laying eggs. Um, what I really want to breed are macropodus ocellatus , if I could find someone who would be willing to import me some I'd be a very, very happy person :D
If I could find a way of stopping my peppered corys from snacking on all their eggs that would be good.

On a more longterm basis, if they ever ever let me buy a bigger tank, I would like to breed some of the less common livebearers, maybe priapella intermedia or blue limia.

Same here, my peppered corys lay eggs every now and then but they hardly last minutes in the tank after been layed, either eaten by the corys themselves or my greedy guppys and platys :X . I would also like to breed some of the rarer types of livebearers but they are indeed incredibly rare where i live, so probably not anytime soon.
I'm hoping that i can breed some rays sometime in the next year or so and if i can find some male specimins i want to try and breed my Ageneiosus catfishes but what i'd really like to do is crack how to spawn catfish from the Pimelodidae family.

Is this what you do for a living CFC? you seem to have a tons of fish and loads of info.

I wish!! No unfortunately there is not enough money in breeding fish to make it something i could do for a living, i cant compete with breeders from Asia and Florida who have the benefit of year round tropical temperatures and so lower overheads which means they can sell their fish very cheaply and stores wont pay me more than what they can get them for from elsewhere.
I do breed a few bits and pieces but its more for my own enjoyment than to make any money and usually end up using the majority of the fry as food because i cant find enough shops to take them all.
I would like to start breeding fish eventually as a hobby, it seems quite interesting.

Back on topic I would like to get into marine tanks and breed some clown fish.

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