What Fish To Go In A 65 Gallon Tall?


New Member
Jul 24, 2008
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Hey everyone! Well for my birthday my significant other got me a 65 gallon tall tank that was already established, so it came with a mature filter and everything. Its been up and running for about two weeks, and so far the fish it has in it are in my signature, and I am thinking about adding another angelfish but would like to know what all else could go in the there. As of now there are no aggression problems between any of the tank mates, the angelfish and the convict stay together a bit as well as the platys keep together. The guppy and the cory came along with the tank, and ive since added the convict, angel, and 3 platys. So any advice would be appreciated! :D

Oh! P.S. Its filtered by a Canister 700, and has a bubble curtain and a large greek statue ornament in the center that makes bubbles. So far in the process of planting it, so far all that is growing is one out of the like six bulbs I got in a package from walmart in the fish section.
Sounds lovely , if it was mine I,d go all angel fish as they're my favorite with a nice shoal of emperor tetras
word of warning... if they haven't shown interest already... the con and angel will prob go for the guppies and maybe even the platties when adults. Both can be a little aggressive for community style fish, though angels can be kept in community settings with the right fish. Cons however will be too aggressive for most other fish besides other new world cichlid species. Luckily however, you didnt get a pair, cause if you did, everything in that tank would be killed as soon as eggs were layed.

I would keep an eye on the con and remove it at the first sign of aggression towards the other fish as it will ruin the finniage of the angel and could kill everything else in the tank. Also, look into getting atleast 3-5 more cories. they really do prefer shoals as opposed to being alone as it makes them feel more secure and have play buddies.

Sorry for the bad news, but just trying to give you the truth about the future here. If you have some pics too, we'd love to see your tank

Ox :good:
Thanks for the replies! The angel is actually quite bigger than the con, and she doesnt bother the platies or the guppy so far so good but I will watch out for what you said to!

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