What Fish Next?

lol. many aros in a 3foot. i cant imagine. they'll be so stuffed.

i'd acutally recommend a fire eel but you may have to rehome them after a couple of years. juvenile fire eels are often seen in shops from 5inches to around 12inches. they grow real slow and takes years to reach adulthood. adult fire eels require at least a 5x2x2.

angels would do actually. i've seen tanks with shoals of around 8-12, all the same species/type, and they look really really awesome.
u got some options here, i would do brackish just because i think brackish tanks are bomb,i wouldnt do an arrowana i personally think they look stupid, i would do african cichlids there so much fun and look so nice,either that or some friendly puffers 8)

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