What fish do you think is underrated?


Fish Crazy
Mar 10, 2004
Reaction score
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
What type of fish do you think is underrated?

White Clouds - They are hardy, peaceful and some of them are very colorful.
Bristlenose Pleco - I know alot of people think highly of these cuties but I still think they're underrated.

What type of fish do you think is overrated?

Blood Parrots

What type of fish do you think gets the credit it deserves?

Rams - Personality ++++++
Bettas - So grumpy looking and colorful

What choices would you make?
Underrated: Guppies, colourful, full of character and tough as old boots.. plus a free supply of live food! (just kidding)

Overrated: Bettas. colourful but but dull, dull dull. (Ooh, contraversial!)

Most of the bettas found around here look like torn pices of tissue paper floating in the tank, they just don't do anything..except die of being fin nipped by everything else in the tank if kept in a community, or of boredom if kept alone.
lol, SirMinion, look at my sig. Proves you wrong :lol::

Underrated = zebra danios. super hardy, but a lot of people think they are fish just for cycling the tank.

overrated = guppies. dull, boring, common fish.

Overrated: Discus... they are very pretty indeed :) but... they are mightly expensive and really hard to look after... my thought :shifty:

Underrated: Goldfish! They are easy to look after if you have the proper tank and are real cute :wub:
SirMinion said:
Most of the bettas found around here look like torn pices of tissue paper floating in the tank, they just don't do anything..except die of being fin nipped by everything else in the tank if kept in a community, or of boredom if kept alone.
LOL, Sir! I agree, Bettas are sort of over-rated. They're somewhat boring, especially if in a smaller tank (even a one gallon). I did enjoy watching my Betta when he was in my 10-gallon community tank for awhile, though. I still have one Betta, in his own 1-gallon. After he "moves on" though, I probably won't get another (but who knows?).

If I think of other over-rated fish, or some under-rated ones, I'll let you know.

aka Married Lizard
Overrated: Clownfish, All little kids think they are so good after the movie finding nemo. Clownfish are nice but the way some people keep them is horrifing :crazy:

Underrated: Oscars, Archer Fishes, Mono's, Scats and many more.
Oscars are both underated and overated... :lol:

Under rated:
- African shell dwellers

Over rated:
- Life bearers
the only fish i even "rate" are bettas, everything else... doesn't even :p
Overrated: Bettas dun dun dunnnnnn :look:

Underrated: Gourami & Goldfish

Edit: Bettas are overrrated on this site. Everyone (including me) thinks bettas are angels sent down from heaven :rolleyes:. But over all they are underrated.
over rated:livebeaers

under rated:
every single cichlid there is.
Overrated: Cichlids and Bettas

Underrated: Catfishes (not including plecs and corys which are overrated too)

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