What Fish Do You Regret Buying?

A pair of angels.
The tank was big enough, but they got big and bigger, feasting on a regular supply of baby fish.
Then I visited a huge and fantastic aquarist shop in Leeds and saw just how big they could get and just how much happier they could be, so a donation was made.
My Kribs never looked back!
5 Comet Goldfish… purchased as feeders for my crabs… my wife realizes this after she hears the names I had given them (Snack, Appetizer, Lunch, Dinner, Dessert), freaks out and moves them to the new 55g I had just finished setting up that was for Shubunken Gold fish… so now these ugly things are taking up space that was planned for better fish and will for years. My wife will immediately blame me if one of them were to die “accidentally “ lol.
5 Comet Goldfish… purchased as feeders for my crabs… my wife realizes this after she hears the names I had given them (Snack, Appetizer, Lunch, Dinner, Dessert), freaks out and moves them to the new 55g I had just finished setting up that was for Shubunken Gold fish… so now these ugly things are taking up space that was planned for better fish and will for years. My wife will immediately blame me if one of them were to die “accidentally “ lol.
I'm damn stuck between 😂 and :eek:
Longfin Zebra Danio's a fast pace swimming fish with beautiful flowing fins that has the personality of a moody Cichlid. Their swimming behavior made me dizzy to watch and they fin nipped eachother?!! And I thought they were a schooling species?
Another one for me: Giant danios. Nice looking fish, and school nicely, but way too hyperactive. Reminded me of my kindergarteners. ha ha
I regretted my kribs. They were monsters and too proficient at breeding. Love my angels - took a few trys to find 'passive' breeders but the ones i have now only terrorize the other angels and leaves everyone else alone.
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Dwarf gouramis

I had five, now two, one died from dwarf gourami disease, and two disappeared, I like gouramis and would really like to get more, but I'm scared if I got honey gouramis, they would get dwarf gouramis disease ):
I regretted my kribs. They were monsters and too proficient at breeding. Love my angels - took a few trys to find 'passive' breeders but then ones i have now only terrorize the other angels and leaves everyone else alone.
That's what I'm hoping for...
All the poor fish I went through as a child. I was young and dumb and just threw some fish in a bowl thinking they would thrive 😭😪
As a child you could not know what you were doing ;) as every effort was made to ensure parents buy the goldie being persuaded "this" fish needs almost nothing... I wonder if this has changed nowadays...
Dwarf gouramis

I had five, now two, one died from dwarf gourami disease, and two disappeared, I like gouramis and would really like to get more, but I'm scared if I got honey gouramis, they would get dwarf gouramis disease ):
As far as I am aware Honey gouramis are not susceptible to dwarf gourami disease so you should be ok with them 👍
My regretful purchase happened just recently after setting up a Malawi tank for the first time, decided on red zebras got 3 and then tried to stock around them, big mistake! terrorised everything in the tank that they had claimed their own ( should have added them last) they were rather big too so maybe a previous return ????returned them for yellow labs, much more peaceful :)

All the endlers around here seem to have an untreatable internal parasite. I suspect cryptobia. I bought some 2 years ago having no idea about this kind of disease even. Now for 2 years I've been dealing with losses. Just the endlers have managed to somehow outbreed it, plus my desperate attempts to medicate and QT the sick. It's untreatable. It killed 2 of my rainbow fish, 3 catfish, multiple otos. I'm so done with this disease. I moved all the endlers out of the main tank to 2 isolated tanks.
Hey everyone! I've seen this topic on a few fishkeeping yt channels and I thought it would be cool to hear everyones answers on this aswell!
What fish have you owned that you regret owning/buying and why?
Heres a few of mine:
Sailfin Plecostimus - I got one of these when I was Quite young and inexperienced in the hobby, only expecting it to grow to around 7 inches but as we all know, that number is usually triple hahaha.
Three spot gourami - Again I was more inexperienced and had no idea how to handle aggression at the time especially when I wasn't expecting it from the gouramis.
Electric Blue Ram - I had bought a pair a couple months ago but I made a huge mistake by buying them off a huge chain store where they had clear deformities and thinking I was doing them a favour by "rescuing them" they were already too far gone and did not survive further than a week even in good water perametres.
Firemouth Cichlid - A few years ago I was obsessed with these fish and owned a trio, Great fish but destroyed my community which is my own fault for not doing the full research on the breeding activities of these fish and understanding the space needed to succesfully house three let alone one in a community setup.
Last but not least
Bala Shark - As a kid, I saw these in the store and thought "Shark I want!" which ended up me unkowingly buying a fish that grows to over at least 1ft and housing it in a 30 gallon tank, fish stores should definetely make a huge effort to either ensure the customers have suitable tanks or just not sell them at all! Such a beautiful fish that is unfortunately always sold even if you don't have a suitable aquarium and I will always feel awful for the poor bala I bought all those years ago. I hate my decisions for buying all of these fish and I really wish I researched them all before considering buying but it's all learning and I wish I could've been a better fishkeeper for the sake of the fish as I love them all and all animals and people ?
I'm regreting buying pygmy cory. They are lovely little fish and swam happily together at first, even liked shoaling with the rummy nose. This lasted for about 3 weeks. Now I never see them. I know they're alive, I see them during maintenance but apart from that they hide under my sponge filter. Pointless having them really. Get no enjoyment from them. Thinking of rehoming them.
I'm regreting buying pygmy cory. They are lovely little fish and swam happily together at first, even liked shoaling with the rummy nose. This lasted for about 3 weeks. Now I never see them. I know they're alive, I see them during maintenance but apart from that they hide under my sponge filter. Pointless having them really. Get no enjoyment from them. Thinking of rehoming them.
I've had some experience with these little guys and I found that in my old 240L tank, they shoaled and swam together nicely. When I had them previously in a smaller tank, it was as if they decided that they didn't need to shoal because, scattered amongst the plants and wood, they could till keep tabs on each other. I know it can be frustrating when fish you've bought disappear from view, (kuhli loaches anyone?), but I found that seeing such fish when they did decide to show themselves always made for a pleasant surprise. I remember fitting a blue LED lamp and watching after dark and being treated to the spectacle of my previously hidden catfish doing their thing.

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