What Fish Do You Regret Buying?

Leleupi - I tried so hard to keep them from fighting and well - they were very aggressive towards one another. I was much less experienced then, so I'm sure I could have done more to help - but they were so aggressive that I had to sell them even though they were gorgeous.
I regret buying Congo Tetras for my 55. I have spent over 200 dollars on them. I had 5, and wanted to up the school to ten. I buy 6. They get introduced into the group. 5 of them die because the Congo's beat them. Then one died recently to my friend who fed WAY to much food. Now I have 4, because I can't find the fifth one :|
Buying three Gourami that were full-size (but not at the time I bought them) Three turned into six after a pair mated. That was in a 29 gallon tank. They could barely swim there was so little room (they were all 8-12" long. There was a little aggression but not much. Anyway - I put an ad in our city website (a Nextdoor.com product) for "free to a good home with a LARGE aquarium" and they were snapped up within a week. The guy said he had a 300 gallon freshwater tank but very few fish - kind of strange guy actually.
Buying three Gourami that were full-size (but not at the time I bought them) Three turned into six after a pair mated. That was in a 29 gallon tank. They could barely swim there was so little room (they were all 8-12" long. There was a little aggression but not much. Anyway - I put an ad in our city website (a Nextdoor.com product) for "free to a good home with a LARGE aquarium" and they were snapped up within a week. The guy said he had a 300 gallon freshwater tank but very few fish - kind of strange guy actually.
What sort of Gourami's were they?
Guppies for sure. I started with 3 in a 6.5 gallon and now I have 30+ In my 15g! Once I have room in my 55 they’ll all be going in there.
My Clown Pleco, shes about 2.5 inches long and all she does is poop. Everywhere all day. And when I stick the vac in the tank she freaks out like she's never seen it before and shuffles through all the sand and stirs poop and sand everywhere in the tank, sometimes clogging the intake and sometimes even the hose and I'm sure she poops while shes doing all that too? Ive never even had algae in the tank, I thought she was pretty and no one warned me at the time lol
Blood Parrots!!! They were so lonely in the plant tank at Petco. I bought all 6 to go in my 90gal. They don’t breed, are very aggressive and hide every time someone walks past the tank.
I agree on chinese algae eaters. They get horrible. Never tried yoyo loaches, but I read mixed things about them. They seem to be easiest to get along with with a lot of space and a biggish school. They sure look cool. But I'm a loach guy. Never liked the looks of cories that much.
I very much enjoyed my school of dwarf chain loaches. They are dizzyingly cute. I had them for 4 years then gave them to another fishkeeper because I wanted a school of corydoras. The chain loaches were such gavones that they’d completely outcompete any cories I had for food, leaving them to starve. Now I’ve got a group of black corydoras schultzei. They too are amazing little fish!
Not fish, but I regret buying plastic plants and toy.

If I have a Tardis or a time machine I would told 11 years old me to stop buying those stuff and save it for live plant, though I’m sure that my past self would never listen :rolleyes:
Not fish, but I regret buying plastic plants and toy.

If I have a Tardis or a time machine I would told 11 years old me to stop buying those stuff and save it for live plant, though I’m sure that my past self would never listen :rolleyes:
Same here! I swapped all my fake ones out for live ones, and I now have bunches full of unused, unwanted fish decor rotting in the garage :rofl:
Not regretting buying it but years ago I was still novice in my high school days when I bought 2 Rainbow sharks at the same time. Thinking that all fish needs to come in pairs to avoid them from being lonely .... yeahh how wrong I was right .

The moment they are inserted into the tank they are already starting to chase each other out in my 20 Gallon lowboy tank. Till one day I found that one of them already jump out from the tank must be the night before and died on my floor .

Little that I know cant have 2 Rainbow sharks on the same tank without hiding place and such a small tank back then. SO yeah I regret for not doing research back then prior buying them.
SO yeah I regret for not doing research back then prior buying them.
I was the worst impulse buyer ever when I started. I didn't know any better but I would just go into the store and buy whatever fish looked cool. Similar to you, I bought an extra serpae tetra because I thought the original needed a friend. The friend ended up being kept from food and the two would constantly fight. I think one of the worst mistakes any new fishkeepers can make is buying fish on a whim.
Same here! I swapped all my fake ones out for live ones, and I now have bunches full of unused, unwanted fish decor rotting in the garage :rofl:
Well back then my parents spent alot of money for me and now I kinda feel bad about using their money as a kid and early teen buying unwanted stuff, I should’ve bought live plants and sells (like what I do with my elodea now) back then so parents would just stop supporting me with their money, that’s what I always feel bad about :unsure:

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