What Fish Do You Regret Buying?

The last ancestor of their's that lived in lake Malawi water parameters might be comparable as me and my ancestor in Africa from 200,000 years ago.
That fish will probably die or have hard time adapting to lake Malawi water parameters
Sure hope not. I have plans for a mbuna tank and my water as it comes out of the tap might as well be pumped from Lake Malawi (except for the temperature - which I intend to change to fit their preference).

After my conversation with @Essjay I've been looking up scientific literature and learning about pH tolerance in fish. Interesting stuff! I should probably start the thread in the Science Section about it and get some input from others. Dearth of information out there, and my guess is funding issues. But certainly much to be learned fro the work that exists.
Some advice i would think is well meaning but could be right for the wrong reason. Why the poster of it has success and the advised don't.
Fish and aquarium keeping can be very complicated.
@OnlyGenusCaps, I would love to see the information about the fish pH tolerance you mention. I like your idea about a Science section.

In regards to poor fish choices, Dwarf Neon Rainbows, might of mentioned them before but they are too nervous for my tanks.
@OnlyGenusCaps, I would love to see the information about the fish pH tolerance you mention. I like your idea about a Science section.

In regards to poor fish choices, Dwarf Neon Rainbows, might of mentioned them before but they are too nervous for my tanks.
Deal. Might not happen right away however. I'm teaching this semester and forever behind. In fact, I should be grading right now. I'm procrastinating...

I have the pdf files. I will start the thread with them soon. Still need to search the aquaculture and aquaponics literature more thoroughly though.
Hmmm, I've racked my brain over this topic since the thread got posted! There haven't been any I really regret, yet.

Perhaps one. I bought a single pygmy cory I spotted while at the LFS for food and things, because I knew I wanted some later down the road, and he was the last from a stock my LFS had in. Someone had bought a load of the batch, leaving a little guy all alone. I felt bad for him, and he was so cute, I bought him, thinking it wouldn't be long until I could get some more, and that maybe he'd hang with my otos in the meantime. I'd seen videos of otos and pygmy cories hanging out together, following one another, it was adorable. Asked my LFS guy to order some more as soon as he could.

But with Brexit and Covid, store was having supply problems. I kept asking, they kept telling me they couldn't get any at the moment, but they'd keep trying, that others wanted some too. Larry the Loner as I dubbed him zipped about the tank, seemed okay, but didn't really bother with the otos much. After a while of this, called the only two other fish stores anywhere near me, chains, and they didn't have any. I ended up raising the GH slightly, so the tank water would be on the high end of acceptable for otos and pygmy cories, and the low end for guppies, and added some male guppies, hoping some mid -water swimmers would keep him company. That seemed to help for a while, he did swim with them sometimes, but I knew it wasn't the same as having other pygmies.

A couple of months pass, and I'm starting to worry. I look into online stores. Find out that shipping would understandably cost as much as the school of fish did, and I just couldn't afford that all at once.

Then Larry started to seem depressed. Stopped pottering about the tank and sitting on leaves, and sat on the filter intake, rarely moving from that spot. He wasn't sick, tank water was perfect, he was lonely, I'm sure of it. Luckily only a few days after that, the store let me know they'd been able to order some in, and I placed a deposit straight away! Night before I go to pick them up, they let me know that someone had accidentally sold a load, they had two left. Really apologetic, I understand, things happen. I go to pick them up, they're even more apologetic, only one left. Filter accident. But they've ordered more in, due in a week. One is better than nothing, he looks healthy, I take him home. He's half the size of Larry, only a baby! Larry does seem to perk up a little. The next week, I pick up six more, also babies the size of the second one, adorable, and Larry is definitely much happier being one of eight! They all sit about on the sand beach together, and mill about in groups of three or four when they fancy a swim, Larry among them. And now, they do hang out with the otos! Often find all of them sitting on the sand together. Will be getting another batch of pygmies soon to bump them up to 12 or so.

But from getting Larry, to finally having a decent sized school, took four months. In hindsight, I wish I'd left him in the store. There's a good chance someone who already had a load of pygmies would have picked him up, I know I'm not the only one who feels sorry for singletons left in tanks. Lesson learned there!
It’s dusty in here isn’t it?
When I get a free evening, I'm gonna be opening some wine, getting tipsy and laughing my butt off watching this. Love the overacting screams! lol. If you like this sort of cringe comedy B movie, I highly recommend The Black Cat (1981). Man, these films are always better to watch with friends though, not alone. Might have to get some people together for an online watch party.
Feller in my avatar is a big fan of that one.
That could make for an interesting (and very gross) horror film...!

As I wrote that, with the fondness for B movies I have, I thought "I bet it's been done". One google search later, and I found a nicely done little short by VFX students called Esgargore (clever!)

But even better, a 1988 film called "Slugs". An 80s B movie is the best B movie. The whole thing is on youtube, so will be checking that out as soon as possible! Thanks for the inspiration to go looking, the trailer alone had me rolling :rofl:


Check out this one, from the 70's

I regret buying any and all fish, and tanks and gear and birds and plants and everything else I have ever bought. If I didn't buy anything, I would be rich, rich, rich I say. rich :)
It's been a great experience keeping fish and reptiles but... I would have to agree that if I never had gotten into the hobby, I'd have a lot more money than I do now...
I was 13 when it came out, and have to admit, it kinda skeered me....of course, it was the "TV" version I saw, not old enough to see the "R" rated version at the theater back then, lol....damn, I'm old
Hey everyone! I've seen this topic on a few fishkeeping yt channels and I thought it would be cool to hear everyones answers on this aswell!
What fish have you owned that you regret owning/buying and why?
Heres a few of mine:
Sailfin Plecostimus - I got one of these when I was Quite young and inexperienced in the hobby, only expecting it to grow to around 7 inches but as we all know, that number is usually triple hahaha.
Three spot gourami - Again I was more inexperienced and had no idea how to handle aggression at the time especially when I wasn't expecting it from the gouramis.
Electric Blue Ram - I had bought a pair a couple months ago but I made a huge mistake by buying them off a huge chain store where they had clear deformities and thinking I was doing them a favour by "rescuing them" they were already too far gone and did not survive further than a week even in good water perametres.
Firemouth Cichlid - A few years ago I was obsessed with these fish and owned a trio, Great fish but destroyed my community which is my own fault for not doing the full research on the breeding activities of these fish and understanding the space needed to succesfully house three let alone one in a community setup.
Last but not least
Bala Shark - As a kid, I saw these in the store and thought "Shark I want!" which ended up me unkowingly buying a fish that grows to over at least 1ft and housing it in a 30 gallon tank, fish stores should definetely make a huge effort to either ensure the customers have suitable tanks or just not sell them at all! Such a beautiful fish that is unfortunately always sold even if you don't have a suitable aquarium and I will always feel awful for the poor bala I bought all those years ago. I hate my decisions for buying all of these fish and I really wish I researched them all before considering buying but it's all learning and I wish I could've been a better fishkeeper for the sake of the fish as I love them all and all animals and people ?
Plecos. Any of them. From common to bristlenose - never again. Otos have been far better for cleaning (even in the smallest spaces), size management and lack of aggression without the hassle in my tanks.
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Because someone said snails count.. Let me tell you my biggest regret.
I bought 5 blue Ramshorn Snails, few weeks later I ended up with an infestation, I saw these hundreds dots on my glass, plants, everywhere. It look like my tank had chickenpox, it was awaful.
Let me tell you, what they have of prolific they have in double about dirtness... They poo a lot. My 30 litres tank I had to change like 80% of the water 3x week.
My other big mistake was to get some plants from this tank and to put in my bigger tank... Even today I still fighting Ramshorn snails in this 200 litres tank (2 years later).
{on the small one I got rid of them and after that I gave the tank to my sister, and still Ramshorn free}
When I get a free evening, I'm gonna be opening some wine, getting tipsy and laughing my butt off watching this.
Whatever you do...DON'T open a bottle of wine!!!
*slugs crawl out of wine bottle*

Is anybody here into Mystery Science Theater? It was pretty popular in the 90s. Three guys (or properly, a guy and two robots) who would watch terrible movies and make fun of them. Hilarious.

OK, back on topic, though...I can't exactly regret my rainbowfish because they're so beautiful and make so many people happy. But my town has very soft water, so I'm constantly having to tweak the water chemistry. From now on I'll be inclined to choose fish to match the water chemistry.

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