what fish do you recomend for my tank (freshwater)


New Member
Jul 3, 2004
Reaction score
miami, florida
in either a 20 or 25 gallon tank, i want to have about ten tetras and have live plants, and i want other fish that would not kill the tetra or each other. ill probably have some snails too.
please tell me what you think.i should get.
why not dwarf gouramis, just make sure they haveolace to hide either that or some platys/guppies. and a couple corys
Well your choices are.... :D

Sword Tails
Tiger Barbs
Green Tiger Barbs
Albino Tiger Barbs
Black Tetras
Skirt Tetra
Phantom tetras
glowlight tetras
and some Plecos that grow Small....(Like the Bristlenose)

and much more that I probably forgot......

Oh and The bigger the tank means more fish So I would go with the 25g :nod:
Cories! :thumbs:
Ember Tetra (smaller than others so it makes tank look interesting)
Our 28L tank had a school of 5 cardinal tetras, and they werent very active, mainly staying on the bottom, so we added some harlequin rasboras. Wow! they are an active fish, and fill the upper half of the water column. So think about getting different fish that will occupy different parts of the water column. In my opinion guppies are always a great addition. They look great and are easy to keep. (usually cheap too) Oh, and I would always get some cories. They look so cute searching the bottom for food, and help keep the tank clean. Probably panda cories are a good size for your tank, or habrosus. I think the peppered cories get a little larger, but you could still tock a couple.

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