What Fish Do You Keep?

I have hornwort in his tank that he loves to rest on, and I just put in a new variegated plant with broad leaves that he is really really enjoying! 🐠🍍🐠🍍🐠
I love it when he comes out and plays. He is the most active betta I have ever seen :)
Yah, bettas are a very active and happy fish when they are healthy. I love them. I used to have one before I knew much about aquariums but I did do months of research... still issed a lot of things ig lol. Have you tried drawing on the tank with a dry-erase marker? They will chase it around... Its so funny. Just dont do it a ton cause too much fun with that is stressful
Yah, bettas are a very active and happy fish when they are healthy. I love them. I used to have one before I knew much about aquariums but I did do months of research... still issed a lot of things ig lol. Have you tried drawing on the tank with a dry-erase marker? They will chase it around... Its so funny. Just dont do it a ton cause too much fun with that is stressful
I hadn't even thought of something like dry erase markers! That's brilliant! :)
I have hornwort in his tank that he loves to rest on, and I just put in a new variegated plant with broad leaves that he is really really enjoying! 🐠🍍🐠🍍🐠
I love it when he comes out and plays. He is the most active betta I have ever seen :)
bettas do love their broadleaf plants, I have seen my dragon betta sleep in the uppermost leaves of my nymphoides Taiwan, he only uses the ones closer to the surface so it is quite easy to see him do it, I know fish technically don't sleep but at night after a long day of playing and eating he does seem to just lay down and start dreaming just like we would
bettas do love their broadleaf plants, I have seen my dragon betta sleep in the uppermost leaves of my nymphoides Taiwan, he only uses the ones closer to the surface so it is quite easy to see him do it, I know fish technically don't sleep but at night after a long day of playing and eating he does seem to just lay down and start dreaming just like we would
They actually do sleep, they don't have eyelids so they need it to be dark, but they do go into a sleep state:)
bettas do love their broadleaf plants, I have seen my dragon betta sleep in the uppermost leaves of my nymphoides Taiwan, he only uses the ones closer to the surface so it is quite easy to see him do it, I know fish technically don't sleep but at night after a long day of playing and eating he does seem to just lay down and start dreaming just like we would
Can they dream? They probably have nightmares as well about being torn apart by piranhas or perhaps jumping out the tank and helplessly flopping around on the floor and then being eaten by the resident cat.

I'd love a Betta some day. Fascinating creatures. Most of my tanks have always been too fast flowing for a fish of that kind.
Can they dream? They probably have nightmares as well about being torn apart by piranhas or perhaps jumping out the tank and helplessly flopping around on the floor and then being eaten by the resident cat.

I'd love a Betta some day. Fascinating creatures. Most of my tanks have always been too fast flowing for a fish of that kind.
well, have you seen when a dog "runs" in its sleep? it looks something similar, the betta will be resting sideways and just slightly move but they only do this once the lights are off. I doubt they have nightmares of piranhas or cats since they don't know them lol, if I had to guess I would say they have nightmares about children annoying them at the pet store and aquarium nets
Let’s see here….

Buenos aires

Leopard danio
Honey gourami
Red tailed black shark
Molly (just one, it was a stow-away fry in a shrimp bag)
Lambchop rasbora
Harlequin rasbora
Panda corydora
Speckled corydora
Albino corydora
Emerald corydora
Blood parrot
Firemouth cichlid
Polar blue convict
Texas cichlid
Sailfin pleco
Clown pleco
Bristlenose pleco
Neocardinia shrimp
Opae’ula shrimp
Assassin snail
Ramshorn snail

I think that’s my full list. Definitely not all in one tank.

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