What Fish Do You Keep?


Fish Gatherer
Mar 7, 2020
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Curious to know what fish everyone is keeping atm.

For me, I primarily keep mouthbrooding Bettas and Aphyosemion, but I do keep other fish that aren't Bettas or Aphyosemion, which will be listed below.

Here are some fish that I am currently keeping:

-Betta channoides
-Betta rubra
-Betta gladiator
-Betta picta

-Aphyosemion gabunense gabunense
-Aphyosemion australe
-Aphyosemion pyrophore
-Aphyosemion splendopleure

Other fish:
-Pterophyllum leopoldi
-Dicrossus filamentosus
-Paracheirodon axelrodi

Future fish that I would like to keep:
-Betta enisae (hopefully)
-Betta pugnax (maybe)
-Betta kuehnei
-Betta patoti 'Tanah Grogot'
-Betta simplex 'type 2'
-Betta dimidiata
-Aphyosemion sp. 'COFE 10/23'
-Aphyosemion striatum
-Aphyosemion ogoense
-Aphyosemion punctatum
You really like your bettas, don't you? We've all got our favourites!

Right now, I'm keeping a total of 5 "survivor" fish - one pygmy cory, three c. aeneus, and one otocinclus - all of which are strangely catfish.
Got two schools of tetras: rummynose (11) and cardinals (12); two clown loaches - with the hopes of getting one or two more in the near future; a red tail shark that I'm considering rehoming; two upside down catfish (synodontis nigriventris); six giant African fan shrimp, and then my plecs... Which are all named, by the way 😄

I have three plecos, all three native to the Orinoco River. First up is my sailfin plec, Pocoyo. He's about 6.5 inches long right now, and yesterday marked a whole year since I first got him. My ultimate goal is to get a nice big tank for him to grow to his full size in.

Then Gobbolino, my orinoco/snowball hybrid. He's a little elusive, so it's hard to get good photos of him. Gets along well with all his tank mates and spends most of his time tucked away in a nice, cosy cave. Got him on the 30th of May 2021, estimated about 8 months old.
gobbo bad quality.jpg

Last but not least, my most recent addition to the tank: Puddin'. Beautiful little blue phantom with gorgeous colours to him. Excited to see him grow up into a little navy torpedo.


I love plecs, if that wasn't already obvious lol. Would love to breed them one day. My dream plecos are the zebra plec and a real nice slate coloured rubberlip.
Another goal of mine is to get to a point where I can create and maintain a tropical pond for commons and larger similar fish. ...And breeding my shrimp. And a neocaridina shrimp tank. And a cave set up. And a sailfin biotope. ...Among other things.
I have kept one betta... it was blue black and red with traces of purple...

The planned fish in the tank im cycling is a few peacock gudgeons and also a school of lambchop rasboras or black phantom tetras
Who lives in a pineapple in an aquarium
Currently have one fancy goldfish in a 30g (from before I knew they needed a lot bigger)
3 adult platies
27 platy fry
I have a 5 gallon with a combtail Betta, a 10 gallon with a female koi Betta, and a 20 gallon with 15 neons. All tanks have plants and driftwood.

It started with the combtail Betta, I was keeping jars of pond and ditch water to keep protozoa to look at under my microscope and decided a fish would be better, I used to be in the hobby when I was much younger, and I used to raise infusoria for the fry. I had a little microscope then too. I'm actually a retired medical microbiologist (which has next to nothing to do with looking at protozoa).

I had Casper in a 2.5 tank while I cycled his 10 gallon, which he did not seem to like. I now have him in the five and got patty on a whim for the 10.

I've always loved schools of small colorful fish like neons and when I rearranged the mudroom there was a perfect spot for a 20 gallon.

Then I had an epidemic of resistant ich and regretted getting any of them. :(

But I finally got rid of it, I lost 5 neons. Thought I was going to lose them all. I tried the usual suggestions but what finally cured them was cupramine. I lost most of them trying the heat and salt.

Everyone is healthy now, if something happens to these neons I might switch to black skirt tetras or rasboras. I love little schooling fishes in single specie tanks with plants.
Non-fancy names:

Pea puffer (Sir Niblit)
Blue-eyed forktails
Peacock gudgeons
Pygmy Corys
White Cloud Mountain minnows
Red Cherry 🦐s

Nerite snail
Horned Nerite snails
Ramshorn snails
Pond/Bladder snails
Malaysian trumpet snails
I currently have:
Electric blue acaras
Geophagus sveni
Red spot severums
Convict cichlids
Denisonii barbs
Siamese algae eater
Bentosi tetras
Red phantom tetras
Black phantom tetras
Cardinal tetras
Harlequin rasboras
Red whiptail catfish
Bronze cories
Peppered cories
Sterbai cories
Pearl gouramies
Golden wonder killifish
These threads can be frustrating. Lists are great, but they always make me wonder "why?"

I keep killies, because they pose puzzles for me to solve, and I find hands on problem solving (with how to breed these easy to keep fish) to be really relaxing escapism. Plus they are pretty.

My rainbows are for similar reasons, only larger all around. I like breeding them and looking at them in movement in planted tanks.

Corydoras and Scleromystax are great catfish whose activity levels amuse me.

A tank with a lot of cardinal tetras is always eye candy, and they're the only fish I keep that I don't try to breed. I've only gotten one fry ever, and it died in the first week.

My dwarf cichlids are for behaviour. I love watching how they care for their babies.


  • A bualanum N'Gorro (640x474).jpg
    A bualanum N'Gorro (640x474).jpg
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