What Filter For 60x30x24


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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pickin the tank up Saturday and need to buy filter and heaters

I'll just get couple of heaters and see how I get on, but what filter would you recommend taking into account that I am skint!!! lol
pickin the tank up Saturday and need to buy filter and heaters

I'll just get couple of heaters and see how I get on, but what filter would you recommend taking into account that I am skint!!! lol

its going to have some big dirty fishh in there so filtrationwill need to be efficient
I would go for a sump, I imagine this would be cheaper than alot of canisters as well.

If you wanted canisters though and are on a budget I would suggest eBay, but really fitrations probably the one area where you can't cut corners when it comes to messy fish.
Sumps aren't always too cheap. Once you factor in buying a decent pump to push water up the 1.5 to 2 metre head, the drilling, all the pipework, the sump tank itself and the media, you will start to be running close to a decent cannister such as an Eheim.

Obviously a sump gives some good options. If you are going with a load of big fish you can have a bottome fed weir to save on substrate cleaning (stuff along the bottom is pulled towards the weir) and a wet dry trickle tower offers the bacteria something like 800 to 8,000 times as much oxygen as submerged media.
Either go all out and get an Eheim Pro 3, or cheaper option is a Fluval FX5. Or you could get two smaller filters like 2x Eheim 2217 or 2x Fluval 405.
cheers for that. been checking on the price of these on ebay now. I've got a period of time to set tank up anyhow so will keep an eye out for these .I've got oe external on another smaller tank which I will probably fit for now and use a spare internal on the smaller tank and then chuck a fluval fx5 on my credit card
I used to run my 66x30x24" with two Eheim 2217's and never had any problems with the filtration.
teratec ex 1200 is the best value for money 70 quid delivered to your door {charterhouse aquatics online} it performs as good as any of the others for less money, crystal clear water with no algae.
id go with a eheim pro3 2180 thermo with built in 500w heater,everything you need running off 1 socket
or on a tight budget 2 x 2217s and 2 x 300w internal heaters
teratec ex 1200 is the best value for money 70 quid delivered to your door {charterhouse aquatics online} it performs as good as any of the others for less money, crystal clear water with no algae.

But they dont have the proven reliability of Ehiems, which for a tank of that size i would definitely want.
I've been having a good read up so cheers for all that. probably going to get a fluval fx5. seems to be the better value and reviews seem favourable for lot less money than pro 3
teratec ex 1200 is the best value for money 70 quid delivered to your door {charterhouse aquatics online} it performs as good as any of the others for less money, crystal clear water with no algae.

But they dont have the proven reliability of Ehiems, which for a tank of that size i would definitely want.
i have been running the tetratec ex 1200 for a while now on a fully stocked 300 ltr coldwater tank, 2x7inch weather loaches, 2x9inch comets, 3x 8inch shubs, 2x5inch golden sucker loaches and it performs absolutely amazing, quiet, powerful and crystal clear water, as i said you will not find a better filter for 70 quid.
the fx5 is cheaper but you will pay more for it in the long run
in the reviews i read the pro 3 beat the fx5 in almost all aspects
teratec ex 1200 is the best value for money 70 quid delivered to your door {charterhouse aquatics online} it performs as good as any of the others for less money, crystal clear water with no algae.

But they dont have the proven reliability of Ehiems, which for a tank of that size i would definitely want.
i have been running the tetratec ex 1200 for a while now on a fully stocked 300 ltr coldwater tank, 2x7inch weather loaches, 2x9inch comets, 3x 8inch shubs, 2x5inch golden sucker loaches and it performs absolutely amazing, quiet, powerful and crystal clear water, as i said you will not find a better filter for 70 quid.

Thats fine on a tank with Goldfish, but when its going to be a tank with Tropical's which can cost substantially more than a hybridised goldfish, i would want reliability over "cheap and cheerful" The Filter is the next most important item after the tank itself. This is something you do not want to save cash on.

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