Fish Herder
your right their are to sides to the story
i used 2 x 2217s on my tank for years before the eheim pros came on to the market
the classics have some very bad points that i used to have
1. the double taps are a pain and you need to add them to the price of the filter
2. the rubber sealing ring is sometimes hard to get right
3. the rubbish metal clips on the side are rubbish
4. if you get air stuck i can take ages of moving it around before it starts to run silent
5. the rubbish flimsy intake connection on the bottom of the classic can start to leak after time
6. the classics were designed to use carbon in socks they were made before efisubstrate was made
now the media amounts of the eheim pros is worked out AFTER the trays are taken into account
the pro filters got rid of most of the problems
if you don't have the money for a 2076 then buy any of the eheim pros they are great filters and by far better than the classics
this is from someone who has run eheim classics for 10 years and also the eheim pros for 10 years
i have run all of the pros and all of the classics
Must admit that I don't have a problem with most of those points. Although I will definately agree that the intake at the bottome of the canister is potentially vulnerable, and I have had well used classics that have leaked at that point. I find if I am careful with that intake they are long-lived though.
I just wish the pro's weren't so expensive. For comparable flow rates and media volumes, they are just out of my budget.