What External Filter For Rio 180?

your right their are to sides to the story

i used 2 x 2217s on my tank for years before the eheim pros came on to the market

the classics have some very bad points that i used to have

1. the double taps are a pain and you need to add them to the price of the filter
2. the rubber sealing ring is sometimes hard to get right
3. the rubbish metal clips on the side are rubbish
4. if you get air stuck i can take ages of moving it around before it starts to run silent
5. the rubbish flimsy intake connection on the bottom of the classic can start to leak after time
6. the classics were designed to use carbon in socks they were made before efisubstrate was made

now the media amounts of the eheim pros is worked out AFTER the trays are taken into account

the pro filters got rid of most of the problems

if you don't have the money for a 2076 then buy any of the eheim pros they are great filters and by far better than the classics

this is from someone who has run eheim classics for 10 years and also the eheim pros for 10 years

i have run all of the pros and all of the classics

Must admit that I don't have a problem with most of those points. Although I will definately agree that the intake at the bottome of the canister is potentially vulnerable, and I have had well used classics that have leaked at that point. I find if I am careful with that intake they are long-lived though.

I just wish the pro's weren't so expensive. For comparable flow rates and media volumes, they are just out of my budget.
not sure how much the double taps are but when i had classics thats a cost you didnt take into account when buying not sure of the cost now but i would say you need to add £30 min to the cost of a classic

and lets be fair cutting pipes putting a double tap in this place and that place can be scary to a new fishkeeper the pros are plug and play

the pro filters are bullet proof so you can buy 2nd hand with no problems

i sold 2 x 2078s for £100 each with new filter pads its the media thats expensive

another bad thing about the classics is the pre filter is at the bottom so if it gets dirty and the flow slows you need to take out all the media to get to the pre filter killing some of the good stuff in the media

with the 2075-26-27-28 the filter pads and pre filters are at the top so you just open the top take out the pre filter tray change the white pad clean the pre filter close it up job done in under 10 mins

you only need to clean the other media once per year

you will find the classics slow down much faster due to the pre filter being at the very bottom
not sure how much the double taps are but when i had classics thats a cost you didnt take into account when buying not sure of the cost now but i would say you need to add £30 min to the cost of a classic

and lets be fair cutting pipes putting a double tap in this place and that place can be scary to a new fishkeeper the pros are plug and play

the pro filters are bullet proof so you can buy 2nd hand with no problems

i sold 2 x 2078s for £100 each with new filter pads its the media thats expensive

another bad thing about the classics is the pre filter is at the bottom so if it gets dirty and the flow slows you need to take out all the media to get to the pre filter killing some of the good stuff in the media

with the 2075-26-27-28 the filter pads and pre filters are at the top so you just open the top take out the pre filter tray change the white pad clean the pre filter close it up job done in under 10 mins

you only need to clean the other media once per year

you will find the classics slow down much faster due to the pre filter being at the very bottom

All good points. I'll have to start saving now, for when I next need a new filter !

I had a eheim 2075 and thought it was great until it started leaking all over the place after about a year, I replaced the sealing gasket but to no avail. It would run ok for about a month then I'd wake up one morning to find about 25L of water all over the floor. Water was leaking past the sealing gasket and into the corner struts and dripping through the screwholes underneath.

In the end I got fed up and couldnt trust it as I either woke up or came home to water everywhere on 3 occassions so I bought a 2217+ instead and so far after 6 months its been great, put in the bio balls and mechanical media from the 2075 with a few pads and running fine with no probs.

Fancy is not always better, I'd much prefer reliability over ease of use anyday


I had a eheim 2075 and thought it was great until it started leaking all over the place after about a year, I replaced the sealing gasket but to no avail. It would run ok for about a month then I'd wake up one morning to find about 25L of water all over the floor. Water was leaking past the sealing gasket and into the corner struts and dripping through the screwholes underneath.

In the end I got fed up and couldnt trust it as I either woke up or came home to water everywhere on 3 occassions so I bought a 2217+ instead and so far after 6 months its been great, put in the bio balls and mechanical media from the 2075 with a few pads and running fine with no probs.

Fancy is not always better, I'd much prefer reliability over ease of use anyday


the problem you had was down to the double tap letting water into the head then running down the side struts which is a easy fix

1 use the vaseleine that comes with the filter
2 make sure the hoses are connected to the double tap right if they are not and the clip is not on the hoses right then it will also let water into the head
I did try all that T1karmann,

Thats why it did it 3 times before I got fed up because after each time I replaced the sealing gasket and tried everything else I could think off, wrote a thread on here and searched the internet for similar problems, all to no avail, I didnt want to have to buy a new filter but I couldnt trust it to be ok, I work 12 hour shifts so when it starts leaking it was leaking a long time before I got home to sort it.

I've still got the filter so if I can find a permanent fix I'll put it in the classifieds section so somebody can get a bargain and I'll get a little bit of money back towards what I paid for the 2217+

When you say the double tap connector, do you mean the 2 small circle rubber seals leaking (part no: 7428680)

Eheim parts list

The parts I replaced several times were: 7428770, both rubber seals that seals the main head section to the canister and the seal around the impellor section.

Thanks for your views. Had almost decided on the 2075, until I read about arobinson1984's probs! Was it not still in warranty? Or did the replacements have the same prob?
I never managed to sort the probs, after trying several different ideas I had lost confidence in it, as like said, I'm out of the house long hours so cant be worrying whether it would have been leaking upon returning home.

I wouldnt let it put you off as I'm sure there are plenty of people who run the 2075 without any problems, it may have been an isolated thing.

I now run the ehiem 2217+ and am very impressed with it, although not as fancy as the 2075, it does a great job and has a fantastic reputation of long lasting service.

Personally if it was my 180L I would go for 2 of the classics rather than 1 x 2075, it'd be about the same price, mine is the largest classic (2217) and was £80 brand new, the 2075 currently seems to be about £160 so you could run 2 x 2217's or 1 x 2217 & 1 x 2215, giving you extra filtration as well as the knowledge that if anything ever goes wrong, you have the second filter there.

At the end of the day its down to you, I wasnt trying to put you off the 2075, just noted my personal experience.

I never managed to sort the probs, after trying several different ideas I had lost confidence in it, as like said, I'm out of the house long hours so cant be worrying whether it would have been leaking upon returning home.

I wouldnt let it put you off as I'm sure there are plenty of people who run the 2075 without any problems, it may have been an isolated thing.

I now run the ehiem 2217+ and am very impressed with it, although not as fancy as the 2075, it does a great job and has a fantastic reputation of long lasting service.

Personally if it was my 180L I would go for 2 of the classics rather than 1 x 2075, it'd be about the same price, mine is the largest classic (2217) and was £80 brand new, the 2075 currently seems to be about £160 so you could run 2 x 2217's or 1 x 2217 & 1 x 2215, giving you extra filtration as well as the knowledge that if anything ever goes wrong, you have the second filter there.

At the end of the day its down to you, I wasnt trying to put you off the 2075, just noted my personal experience.


Thanks for your experiences, that's exactly what I'm after. Don't blame you for losing confidence in it! Not sure if two externals will fit in my cabinet (diy stand with shelf on one side) but it's another option to consider. Is there a notable difference with noise levels bewteen the 2075 and 2217?
I never managed to sort the probs, after trying several different ideas I had lost confidence in it, as like said, I'm out of the house long hours so cant be worrying whether it would have been leaking upon returning home.

I wouldnt let it put you off as I'm sure there are plenty of people who run the 2075 without any problems, it may have been an isolated thing.

I now run the ehiem 2217+ and am very impressed with it, although not as fancy as the 2075, it does a great job and has a fantastic reputation of long lasting service.

Personally if it was my 180L I would go for 2 of the classics rather than 1 x 2075, it'd be about the same price, mine is the largest classic (2217) and was £80 brand new, the 2075 currently seems to be about £160 so you could run 2 x 2217's or 1 x 2217 & 1 x 2215, giving you extra filtration as well as the knowledge that if anything ever goes wrong, you have the second filter there.

At the end of the day its down to you, I wasnt trying to put you off the 2075, just noted my personal experience.


well if this is the case why not sell the filter you cant be asked to fix and the thread starter can get it fixed for next to nothing then getting a real cheap filter that is 10 x better than a 2217 :lol:

im sure you can send each other PM to sort out delivery you may as well give it away if you dont trust it anymore :good:
well if this is the case why not sell the filter you cant be asked to fix and the thread starter can get it fixed for next to nothing then getting a real cheap filter that is 10 x better than a 2217 :lol:

im sure you can send each other PM to sort out delivery you may as well give it away if you dont trust it anymore :good:

If I can get it fixed to a point where I'm confident it wont leak then I will sell it at a good price to anyone who is interested, I dont particularly want to just give it away as I bought it about 2 years ago before the prices dropped and paid about £240 for it.

well if this is the case why not sell the filter you cant be asked to fix and the thread starter can get it fixed for next to nothing then getting a real cheap filter that is 10 x better than a 2217 :lol:

im sure you can send each other PM to sort out delivery you may as well give it away if you dont trust it anymore :good:

If I can get it fixed to a point where I'm confident it wont leak then I will sell it at a good price to anyone who is interested, I dont particularly want to just give it away as I bought it about 2 years ago before the prices dropped and paid about £240 for it.


was the 2075 even on the market 2 years ago :unsure:

from what i can remember the 2076 and 2078 were the 1st 2 filters on the market after the 2080

it was never £240 at any point of the sale as it has always been a lot cheaper than the 2076 and 2078 as it doesnt have the electronic bits on it

right now you can get a 2075 with media kit for £175 with free delivery

anyway to try to fix the problem i would look at the double tap not the sealing rings
I'm sure it was £240 may be wrong, certainly £200+ and it was 2 years ago definately because it run for over a year before I had probs and I've been running my replacement 2217 for over 6 months now.

I bought it from charterhouse-aquatics with all media included etc.

What part do you mean by the double taps, which part of it do you think will be at fault?

the bit that holds the 2 pipes when you take it out of the filter to clean it

i had the same problem with a 2080 with water coming down the up right struts at the side

it took me ages to find out what was wrong in the end i changed the rubber rings on the tap and when i was doing thing i noticed that the tap was cracked from were i had been messing around hard with it to get it in and out of my cab

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