What Else


Fish Crazy
Aug 7, 2004
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I currently have a 10 gal tank with 6 neon tetras, 4 black phantoms. I would like to add 4 more tetras of small size to this tank to finish it off. Some suggestions to me were: Lemon tetras, glowlite tetras.

Anyone have a suggestion on what I can add to finish this off with nice color?

Also, I need to get a cleaner and would like to get an otto cat. Plecos just get to big, been there many times. Will one keep this tank clean or would two be better?

Okay, we don't have cardinals here at all. So they are out. The rummynose we do have and the 2 x ottos as well. What other tetras can you suggest besides the rummynose that would look nice in there?


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