What Eats Snails......


Fish Addict
Feb 15, 2006
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ok guys, i poseted this here because its my s.a comunity tank and its infested! nothing eats these cone shelled snails anything upto 1" in size, they mass. is there some kind of catfish? or you know anything really that can eat them for me? help would be apreciated :)
regards, kubora666
I think even clown loaches have problems eating MTS. I've heard that if you put in some cucumber on a piece of string and turn the lights off, they sometimes congregate on it for a chow, and you can pull out some?
Loaches do bot eat the shell nor do they crush it like puffers. Instead, loaches suck out the goodie and leave the shell. When snail has a trapdoor, it make it harder to suck em out. However, a large enough clown can suck pretty hard and they will eat them.
i couldn't see a 12" clown having problems with 1" snails lol.


I would assume though that not many people would fork out for fully grown clown loaches just to get rid of some snails, and buying them as babies means waiting for them to mature to solve the problem. Hence the idea I gave :)
If you float a piece of Lettuce on the top of the tank the snails will float up to eat it then just take the lettuce out snails and all.
Replace with a new piece and keep going. It will take a while but you will get there eventually

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