What Do You Think?

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The code you copy and paste would look something like this except there's an IMG at the beginning and end of the link, which makes the pic show up here.


Hope that helps.

Here i did it for ya lol....

Looks well :good: ... you could add more rock of you wanted. What size is it ? Are there fish already in there ? What do you plan for stock ?
Also fixed the link :good:

So far so good - room for some more rock though. :)
Thanks everybody, feel a lot better now.

Cheers darrel69 for getting the picture up, will try myself in future, now i have the idiots guide :blush:

Tank measures 98X60X47cm
215 litres.

I was thinking of Mbuna,
Labidochromis Caeruleus 1male 3 female
Pseudotropheus Saulosi 1male 3 female
Cynotilapia Afra Sp chewere 1male 3 female
1 Bristlenose catfish

What do you think, enough or not enough?

Currently still cycling the tank, and will hopefully get some more rock soon. :good:

Thanks again.
Cheers, the rock does look good BUT i have had an explosion of algae in the past few days.

Will have to take it out and give it a good clean before adding the fish!

Took me ages to clean it in the first place. I put it outside and used a Power Wash on it, came up good but got wet through doing it :crazy:
Keep light off while doing tank? trow blanket over it? Not sure if this works but algae needs light to grow ^^?
i used to get a read bad algea problem in my tank which is in my bedroom, mainly because the sun comes through the window for most of the day, now ive got black out curtains and not a spot of algea for a month. just means no natural light in my room.
Sounds good to me danon :good: ...

About the algae... noone can completely avoid algae, your gunna get atleast a little bit. Some people even promote it for their fish to grace on .. Some tips for to avoid it though are.. real plants, they use up the nutrients algae needs to grow as food.. dont keep the light on for more than 10hours a day (12 if you got real plants) but not enougth light and you'll get brown algae, too much and you'll get green algae... avoid direct sunlight hitting your tank... keep nirates as low as possible... a total black-out i think is only good for free-floating algae (green water) in which a UV Sterilzer would clear over night.. (it would also minimize algae on your decor in a few days).

Good luck and look forward to future pics :hyper:
You can also use a timer to vary your lighting cycle which should help. For instance you could go 4 hours with the lights on, 3 hours off, 3-4 hours on. It won't bother the fish and should help keep the algae down.

Also, brown algae is very common in newly cycled/clyling tanks and will disappear on its own.

The mbuna species you picked will look great, and even though your tank is under 4-ft, since the width is a little more than usual, you could easily add another species of 1m/3f, or up the numbers on the species you've already chosen. :good:
Brilliant replies, thanks so much.

Great to know i could add a few more fish if i wanted.

Tank is no where near the window, but have had the light on ALL day till bedtime.
Presume the fish will get rid of some of the algae, when i have finished cycling!!

Would it be a good idea to take out the rock and give it another thorough clean, before i add the fish. Looks a real mess at the moment!!! I will try to add a picture later but, working late so will see how it goes.
Brilliant replies, thanks so much.

Great to know i could add a few more fish if i wanted.

Tank is no where near the window, but have had the light on ALL day till bedtime.
Presume the fish will get rid of some of the algae, when i have finished cycling!!

Would it be a good idea to take out the rock and give it another thorough clean, before i add the fish. Looks a real mess at the moment!!! I will try to add a picture later but, working late so will see how it goes.

I'd get a timer and try the 4hours on, 3 off, 3-4 on lighting schedule which should help with the algae. If it really bothers you take the rocks out and clean them, if you're ok with it don't worry. :good:
I'm also setting up a mbuna tank with lots of lava rocks. To stem algae growth I'm planning to add 1-2 pleco's.

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