What do you hate when little kids r in a LFS

mmmm some times a good smack round the swede wouldnt go amiss :whistle:
This is my third posting defending children today, but here goes again...
Maybe this topic should be called "What do you hate about irresponsible parents bringing their kids in a LFS" After all, they're the ones responsible for teaching their children proper behavior. I have two kids 3 and 18months and I can promise you that they would never so much as touch the glass on any tank, even the ones in my home, and they also know that we don't run or use loud voices in a public place unless it's something like Chuckie Cheese or a park.
Doesn't anyone else here have children? I'm just glad that today isn't the first time that I looked at this forum, because based on this post, the nemo tank, and the loose piranha, I feel like I'm at Bitter Tropical Fish Keepers Who Hate Children.net

Sorry if you all think I'm overreacting, but I think we need to stop blaming kids for all these problems that are due to lack of supervision, parental guidance, and LFS not educating customers.
I blame society :p All these d*mn yuppies telling parents they shouldn't punish there children. When I was little and you didn't listen you got punished (spanked). The kids just need a good beating :D
I dont think the topic was meant to attack kids.

I agree that its the parents. I would have never did that with my parents. I never got spanked though. My parents just taught me to be respectfull.
Abernathy: Weren't you guys ever "little kids?" Did you know any better? Sheesh, give these guys a break, along with the ignorant parents.
Well said sir!! but wouldn't you just like to slap some of those parents when they say just go look at the fishies while i go get a coffee and then just leave the kids there to do what they please. I fell sorry for the fish but more so for the kids. That stuff really makes me angry :angry::ninja: :crazy: :grr: because we blame the kids :huh:
So true, kids act the way that they are taught (or not taught) I don't want to overgeneralize and say that everything a child does is the parents fault, but young children going into a store need to be told what will be expected of them before the enter the store, and what the consequences will be if they choose to do otherwise. I believe that in this situation, blame the parents.
I think it is so cute to see little kids asking questions (especially "why" questions). Its nice to see kids interested in this hobby. You have to start somewhere. I'd rather try to educate kids about fish than complaining about them. Just my 2 cents worth.
Most of the time, I'd blame society and parents.

Thought I still can't accept or believe that people would think you can put a clown fish in freshwater because of the movie. In the movie, it was clearly shown that nemo was taken out of the sea. People these days must be really thick to think that the sea is freshwater.
I think the question to be asked is what dont you hate about little kids in lfs...But its the parents...who allow it to go on and somtimes even promote this behavior...to all you good parents...CheerS! :drink: (this does not promote drinking in front of your children :D )
I think the blame does lie primarily with the parents, I have 4 girls (oldest is 8) and they know to NEVER tap on the glass running up and down the aisles etc.

Besides I suppose it would be a little mean to tie them to the railings outside the store. :devil: well maybe not if you leashed the parents outside and let the kids do the shopping.
Getting Bettas and droping them in the floor.

It's the parents. They better take control of their kids or someone/something else will. I don't mind when kids look and go OOOO AHHHHHH while gawking and pressing their face on the glass, but I don't like it when they run rampant and rough house near the tanks. I'd like to put those kids in a phonebooth and place them right in the middle of an Indy500 to let them understand how the fish feel. :shifty:

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