What do you hate when little kids r in a LFS

What annoyed me once was two 10-year olds coming into the shop. One begins thumping really hard on a tankful of guppies....

KID 1: "Watch this! *starts banging tank*"
KID 2: "You'll kill the fish if you do that!"
KID 1: "That's the idea! Cool or what!"

I glared at him. He muttered some 4 letter words and left with his friend.
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Im 14 years old when i go in to a fish shop i just act like a parent would.

It is down to how the parents feel about the fish because if they don't care about them then he/she will let the child do what it pleaese.which means running,shouting,banging,smering the glass.

If i have kids i will say dont touch anything in this shop because if you do it might die or daddy and son will get chucked out of the shop.

like a person said afew threads back he/she said somthing about notice signs.good idea to me. :nod:
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well said dragon, otherwise political voting would end when each had 1 vote each and called it a draw. i think.... god its late......... :beer:
yesterday i went to petsmart if u dun kno im 13... this like 3-4 year old girl comes in and wacks the glass.. starts laughing and pointing "theres fishie" and wacks it again and laughs.. i stood there watching and the worker lady she was talking to this guy cuz he had like goldfish and she was going to get them frmo the guy and put em in her pond.. shes gonna give him a jack dempsky or oscar because it was attacking her other 2 watevers.

im like uhh pointing to the girl.. she just goes on talking. talking about customer service :beer: fricken drunks lol

(they werent drunk)
The parents annoy me much more than the kids. I told 2 four or five year olds to stop hitting the glass on the tank. They stopped hitting the glass, which was nice. Then, their mom, who was a few tanks away, tapping on the glass yelled at me to get away from her fish. She muttered something about teenagers and moved her kids a couple aisles down, where they probably went back to annoying fish.

I started keeping fish at 14, and had a somewhat overstocked tank. I took good care of it and didn't overfeed, and had only one fish die, so, I think I did fine with my first tank.

The "Nemo" buyers annoy me. I actually watched a family of yuppie parents and hyperactive kids buying a clownfish. They had a five gallon tank, declorinater, a tiny filter so far. They were going to by salt for it, but, they went with cheaper freshwater salt because "He won't know the difference". They bought their 30 dollar clownfish and happily walked out. They'll probably follow the dosing instructions on the freshwater salt too...
i refuse to take my daughter on the fact that the first an last time she went she made such a row ,put me off what i was lookin for and screamed because they had spiders on show, that was as i say the first an last time she went.

shame realy tho cause she realy loves learning about their names and how big they will grow ect.... but im never gonna be embarresed like that again, i know kids will be kids but it made me feel very small, i normaly have control over my childbut it was like hell on little legs!!!! :*)
I dont over shout at my kids, only when they do real wrong like touch my tanks :hey:

Daddy is normally the pushover till they do *this* wrong then they get to meet mean daddy and the lesson really sinks in.

I say *they*, I really mean my 30 month old. Although my 3 month old will be pottering round the house looking for stuff to wreck soon enough I guess :D

The moral of the story is, parents who shout and bawl at their kids for the most minor of reasons seem to just raise wild kids.... its like they become accustom to the shouting so take less notice.... ?
i dont need to shout, my voice carrys enough warning in it at a normal voice level, that even my boss knows when shes over stepped her mark lmao.

the bawling an shoutin at a kid never works, they just think 'yeh ok ur turnin blue now, still not gonna stop me from doin it' so theres no point....
i'm a teenager and there was these kids in a lps and they were haveing their fun looking at the fish. and they decided that it would be "funny" if they tried to catch fish with their hands. i got SO MAD at this. i told an employe and they kicked them and their parents out of the store. :nod: :lol: :rolleyes: ;) :p :D i was so happy the kids were gone.

Abernathy said:
Weren't you guys ever "little kids?" Did you know any better? Sheesh, give these guys a break, along with the ignorant parents. That's how I first got into keeping fish, by pleading with my folks as a little kid until they got me my first fish. When a few of those first fish died from my ignorance, I went to the library and started to learn about cycling, water parameters, and the rest. Now, when the opportunities come, I help to educate others on proper fish care.
good point. :D

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