what do you feed your fish


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
Bristol, United Kingdom
Okay i have a selection of mollies, platys, guppies, tetras, cherry barbs and a swordtaill, and i'm currently feeding them

TetraMin flake food
Biologically balanced for energy, colour and vitality

is this the right thing to be feeding them, they eat the algae wafer that i add for my plec as well, but i didnt know if i should be giving them something else, or supplementing this with other things too
That is what I feed most of my fish, supplemented by TetraMin Pro Tropical Crisps and some frozen/ freeze dried foods to really bring out their colour. It is best to give the fish a variety of food, so if possible you may want to pick up something else. :)
It looks good...maybe you can add some bloodworms or babyshrimp in the meal? :D

I feed my fish flakes. pellets. Bloodworms. Baby Shrimp. Peas and other veges...A diet high in protien and variey really helps the fish be more active and brings out there natural color. :thumbs:
My fish eat, shrimp pellets, bloodworms, Freeze dried krill, algae wafers, and occasionally live or feeders. I don't believe in sticks or flakes :lol: I honestly think fish should have better food than flakes. Mine have great color, and health, with a staple of shrimp pellets and Bloodworms. But then again most of your fish are live bearers, which I don't own, so I don't know how they like to eat :p
That should be fine, but if you want to give them the best diet possible, you might want to vary it by giving them live or frozen foods once or twice a week as a treat. They like the variety. :)

I give mine tetra freshdelica bloodworm packed in little sachets...they're not dried, but not live...kinda preserved wet somehow. anywho my fish go absolutely mental for them, I only have little tetras but one almost pulled the packet out of my hand this morning! :blink: they're simpler and less messy than live or frozen too.

I just looked up the dietary requirements of your particular fish and all it said was that the livebearers all like algae, but supplement with live foods, especially the cherry barbs.
I've heard that pea's thing before do i used tinned or frozen, and do i need to do anything to them first, how many shall i add,

I will go to the lfs tomorrow and get a selection of different things for them, thankyou everyone
pandapops001 said:
I've heard that pea's thing before do i used tinned or frozen, and do i need to do anything to them first, how many shall i add,

I will go to the lfs tomorrow and get a selection of different things for them, thankyou everyone
What I did today: (bit of a fuss but still...) I put about four in a glass dish with a bit of water, covered it over with clingfilm, microwaved it for 50 seconds to make them soft enough for the fish to eat, took them out, shelled them, and mashed them. then dropped little bits in till they look like they'd had enough. :p

Edit: they were frozen ones.
so i assume you can only use frozen peas then?

My sister says she adds broccoli, and they just eat it like they eat the plants, is that safe? (just checking as i dont want to get it wrong)
yep you can use broccoli in just the same way. make sure it's very well washed and it probably neds to be bioled till it's soft.
My fishies are listed in my siggy so you can see what kinds I have there.

Their diets consist of:
HBH Flake
HBH Betta Food
HBH Algae Wafers
Wardley Shrimp Pellets
Frozen Bloodworm

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