What Do You Do With Your Old Aquarium Water?

Depends on the tanks and when I'm doing WC. Smaller ones I just send down the drain, larger ones normally go outside. Unless its dark, cuz then I just let all the bugs in. The garden is a long way, normally I just water the grass or the landscaping plants.
After reading a post under a different topic I thought I would post this just out of curiosity more than anything. When you do a water change, what do you do with the old water?
What I do is use it to water the house plants. I learned this from an old room-mate. We had EXTREMELY healthy pants, our apartment looked like a jungle. I adopted this idea and my wife thinks it's a great idea.
I'm glad your pants are extremely healthy :fun:

mostly down the toilet, some to water plants
i water my orchids and my tomato plans with it
is it safe to water plants like tomatoes and strawberries with it? i usually do it to my other ones if possible but never thought about the producing sort of plants lol

Gunngee, on 16 May 2010 - 05:27 PM, said:

After reading a post under a different topic I thought I would post this just out of curiosity more than anything. When you do a water change, what do you do with the old water?
What I do is use it to water the house plants. I learned this from an old room-mate. We had EXTREMELY healthy pants, our apartment looked like a jungle. I adopted this idea and my wife thinks it's a great idea.

I'm glad your pants are extremely healthy

rofl good one
i water my orchids and my tomato plans with it

Most people find pen/pencil with paper is a better long term solution for drawing with!
I have a lot more water to get rid of than my plants need, so most of it goes down the drain. The buckets of tank water that I rinse my filter media in always get put on the plants to water and fertilize them.
Down the loo! Having two kids that need entertaining, I have a 1 hour limit on time to get everything done before they start killing each other. I think after reading the posts, that filter rinse water will now be used to water the plants. Why didn't I think of that?

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