What Do You "dislike" Most About

Personally i luv my fish as tho they were family, and i go to great lengths to keep them as well as i possibly can.....however, the local lfs's arnt so caring to there fish, and for me this really is the worst thing for me...example,

I went to 1 of my local garden centers 2 weeks ago, ive noticed dead fish before and have mentioned it several times to them (Discus being the last 2 fish i saw dead and fungified) but they jus dont seem to care...anyways....i went there and they had 2 beautifull 6inch clowns, iwas immediatley concerned for there well being and asked to buy them (i have a 130gl tank on its way, but they were to be housed in 30gl tank for a couple of mnths) i was refused saying they wld not be for sale and only for display i left very dissapointed.. :0(.

I was determined to check on those clowns again, so i went last wednesday.....oh my...... the first clown was on his side breathing rapidly with a mass infection of ich, the otherone was hid behind a stone, and i cld only see his tail, which must of had 50 or so white spots on it, my heart sank. As i gazed at the once magnificent fish, the lady who runs the acuatic section came to me and offered me them for 30pnds....in dismay i walked out without answering her, but i felt so sorry for them and me and my misses talked about it, and i returned later that evening with the intent of buying them, even if they died, i needed to try and save them, i cld not of done a worse job than them.

To cut a long story short i had a semi argument with a lad who had taken the ladys place (her shift was obviously up B**ch) i got the price down to 25 but he wld not release them and said he wld treat them himself, he had done it lots of times and it wasnt a big concern, he then proceeded to put a FULL DOSE of med in the tank....well, once again i was dismayed and realised that these poor fish wld not make it to the weekend...i went home disheartned....how people can treat life with such recklessness ANGERS me!!

I went the next day and spoke to the chap i argued with ( this was at 3:30 in the afternoon) he said he had not had chance to look at them so i went and checked for myself, there he was, floating in the water, with some kind of puss coming out its mouth, dead as a do-do, the other clown still in the same position it was the previous day. Well i wasnt happy, and walked rnd the tanks to cool down...i then noticed they had had a restock...and again to my HORROR they had put 6 fresh Discus in a tank where there was 1 dead and 1 dieing discus in-it form the previous week...but 1 discus caught my eye, a pumpkin 1, he was luvly but allrdy starting to show signs of stress...i played up...complained on how they had treated the clowns and bought the pumpkin (whos now called Pumpkin funnly enuf)...

Pumpkin had a few grazes and some white fur on him, i put him in thursday and started treating with garlic (my tank is heavily stocked with inverts, so pls no comments on garlic, i have my own opinions, and read to much to the point of my brain exploding). Today Pumpkin is swiming and feeding, he comes to see me at the glass to!! I really hope i can keep this chap alive!!

So there ya go, bit lengthy, but thats what i hate about fishkeeping, lfs that dont care, to be honest, i dunno if i can leave the death of those clowns alone, and am seriously thinking of reporting them!!! Jus because its not human does not mean it doesnt deserve a decent life, we are all animals on this planet!!

Thx for reading this, as i really needed to air that.
You are going to think I'm nuts, but the thing I like least about taking care of fish is the smell of their food. It smells like dead, rotten fish. I am a vegetarian and it really makes my stomach turn. I love my fishies though and would never want them to do without their tasty morsels, so I feed them that awful smelling stuff and watch them eat to their hearts content.

Other than that I am too new to fish keeping to have any other pet peeves. I like changing the water because they act so happy once it is done and I've only had one fish die that looked pretty bad when I got it home so I just hoped for the best. I've had no diseases, yet, so that is not a problem. And money is not a problem since all I have is a 10 gallon you can't spend a fortune on fish for that little water. I'm generally a happy camper.

I hate it when I know my Petco only feeds the fish once a day and they somehow manage to say plump.

I hate it when Petco execs ask me what type of system I have. I rarely buy fish from them at all! Maybe once or twice a year.

However I would love to rave about Jose my lfs guy. Guys has rock bottem prices. He was selling a gold nugget pleco that was 6 inches for only 8 bucks!!!!

He's got assorted discus 4-5 inches at 7 bucks a pop. Great guy

But the one thing I hate to do is well nothing really.
the always wonting new and bigger tanks.

and the $$$$$ of coruse

Mine is never being happy with the aquascaping of my tanks, I aklways set it and love it for a week then statrt thinking "I should have put that over there and moved thoes two about a bit" and then spend a whole afternoon doing a big water change and a bit of Aquascaping and so the cycle starts again...
I dislike it most when fish (my own or at work) get ill or die :(

But to be honest in my situation, my absolute pet peeve is customers that simply refuse to take my good advice or wont believe a word I say and then get stroppy whenI refuse them a sale on the basis that I know for a fact that I would be allowing fish to suffer.

For instance the woman this weekend who had bought a 20g tank 4 days previously and had in the meantime been in another shop and purchased 1x red tailed black shark, 1x blue botia, 5x red eye tetra and 10x neon tetra. Then came to me first wanting to buy 3 giant sea cucumbers which I had to explain were SW and then started to reel off a list of her intended purchases that day starting with 10 tiger barbs...
When I politely tried to explain to her that we were in a bad situation and why, she began insisting that her husband had 10 years fishkeeping experience and that my manager had said it would be fine on another day of the week and then saying that "no offence love but" line and telling me I knew nothing, lol!

So I tried to simplify, I informed her that I did not want to sell her any fish that day and even if I was forced to I could virtually garuantee that they would all die shortly and when she brought her water sample in hoping to get a refund, I could virtually garuantee that her water params would be a complete disaster and she would not only have cost herself money but the precious lives of animals.

And thats when she became abusive. :rolleyes: :lol: people eh.

That is what I call retards in this hobby of ous.

BTW what is your nationality?
The fact that I’ve gone from a unwilling participant to being completely obsessed, the fact I would need to make major structural changes to my house to keep the tanks I want & the fact I seem to be spending all my spare time on sites like this :hyper:
my own inexperence/not having alarger tank yet/not having enought money (soo close/but shoul have enought money by the end of the month :D) (see chitchat for thread lol)
my father thinking he knows best because "he used to have guppies in his back garden" and " i seen those crayfish, theyl be ok in a coldwater, you find them down the river" that kinda thing, i drives me MAD. wait till i publish that book, "he doesnt know about it yet" he have a suprise when i ask him for £200 to publish it!" :rolleyes:

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