What Do I Feed My Fish


Fish Crazy
Sep 29, 2007
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i am curently feeding my oranda(gill from nemo) and my blackmoor(snape) aquiriam fish flakes and i want to give them some varity is there any thing else i can feed them as well?
Yes there are definately a variety of foods you can feed your goldies :good: . Fancy fat bodied goldfish are prone to digestive problems like constipation due to the way they have been bred to have shorter and more compact guts, so the first thing that would be good to do is to get some veg into their diet to help prevent these problems, feeding goldfish de-shelled cooked and chopped up pea's or blanched chopped up spinache is a good way to get more veg into their diets, they may not readily accept such foods eagerly at first, but you can encourage them to eat them by cutting back on their other foods like fish flakes :good: .

Most petshops also sell frozen fish foods, frozen fish food is better than dried since it is easier for fish to digest the stuff than dried foods and it is also more nutritious for them- frozen fish foods usually include things like mysis shrimp, krill, daphinia (is apparently very good for fishes digestion), bloodworms, artemecia, brineshrimp (not that nutritional, but contains a fair amount of protein, good for growing fish) etc. Some petshops even sell live fish foods, live is even better than frozen, but they are very close (since freezing is a good way to retain the freshness and nutritional content of food) so frozen is a good substitute for live foods :thumbs: .
I would personally advise avoiding tubifex worms since they have been known to come from area's contaiminated with raw sewage and live tubifex worms can pass on internal parasites to fish.

You should try and get some veg into your goldfishes diet about once a week or fortnight, and frozen foods can be fed as often as you like but it is best to keep the goldfishes diet varied and not to feed the same type of frozen food over many days in a row unless it is something that is naturally very good for the fishes digestion like daphinia, however variety is still the key to a good diet in fish and its best to keep the fishes diet varied to help ensure the fish is getting all the nutrition it needs :nod: .

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