what do i do with a pop-eyed fish

fish are my life

New Member
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Auckland,New Zealand
my danio has pop-eye and i dont want to ethinise. what can i do?
When my mum found out last night she didnt give much sympathy. i got the impression that she thought it was at an inconveniant time, but shes not fish-litirate so she dosent understand how serious pop-eye is. should i hospitalise her from her friend cos he seams to pick on her alot, so that could be the problem
How bad is the popeye? Unless the popeye is to the point where their eye is falling out (which in some cases happens) I wouldn't reccomend Euphonizing the fish. Yes, you should put her in a hospital tank. One of the main causes of Popeye is stress. So being picked on probably is the cause. Once your danio is in the hospital tank, add 1 half tsp. of aquarium salt every day untill the fish is cured.
Good luck, I hope your Danio gets better soon! :D
~Sea Monster~
When my gourami had popeye, i used a fungus treatedment to treat any infection behind the eye, and did 25% water changes every day for a week. His eyes went back to normal after about 3 days.
He was still in the comunity tank the whole time, during the treatment.

Hope this helps :D


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