What could be the problem?

Aug 14, 2003
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San Diego, CA
I use the same de-chlorinated water for both of my tanks that are cycling, but one of my tanks tested positive for chlorine, but not chloramine. Could the high nitrites, nitrates and ammonia levels affect the chlorine reading? Could it also be that the plants and gravel were rinsed with tap water when I first put them in the tank? Everything in the other tank was rinsed w/ de-chlorinated water and it doesn't have any chlorine or chloramine readings, so I'm guessing that may be the problem?
Just leave the tank alone for about a week or two

Dont put too much chemicals!
Chlorine should go away soon

Also, maybe your test strips are messed or expired (if they are the paper kind)

If you really want to be sure, take the water the you lfs
I don't think there's anything wrong w/the test strips. I tested my de-chlorinated water and got nothing on chlorine and chloramine, I tested my tap water and got readings for both, I tested my other tank and got no readings. The varied results are enough to tell me the test strips are ok.

I re-tested the tank after a partial water change and still got chlorine readings. The good news is the readings were a bit lower than before.
Where the river goes said:
I don't think there's anything wrong w/the test strips. I tested my de-chlorinated water and got nothing on chlorine and chloramine, I tested my tap water and got readings for both, I tested my other tank and got no readings. The varied results are enough to tell me the test strips are ok.

I re-tested the tank after a partial water change and still got chlorine readings. The good news is the readings were a bit lower than before.
Put some dechlorinator in the tank.
Chlorines evaporate after about 48 hours, so you must be adding it somehow, chloramines on the other hand dont, its chlorine mixed with ammonia and is pretty nasty!!
I'd say leave the tank for a week also, it should dissipate with good water circulation and add an airstone to speed things up.

have u put in the corrrect dosage as said in the instructions? which brand r u using?

Yes I have put in the correct dosage. It's jungle labs brand "Start Right"

Are you doing water changes?

I did one water change this week when I found traces of chlorine in there. I tested the water I put in there and got no chlorine traces. So the source is probably in the tank :huh:

I'd say leave the tank for a week also, it should dissipate with good water circulation and add an airstone to speed things up.

Yeah, I was going to leave it alone for a while and test again next week. I don't have any more outlets close by to plug in an airstone, so I am going to increase the output on my filter.

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