What Catfish


Fish Connoisseur
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Norfolk, England
what catfish is this i was given it today by someone who was going to give it to the lfs theres 2 of them. they thought they where upside down catfish but they dont look like the other one i have and are alot more active and dont swim upside down that much
what are they?
how big do they get?
and will they live ok with a upside down cat?

sorry about the bad pics but they where on a 2mp camra on a phone
At a guess i'd say Roberts Catfish (Synodontis robertsi)

Although a much better picture is needed to even be 50% sure
thats the best i can get at the moment. i might be able go borow my nan and grandads but mine broke
how big do they get?
and can they live with upside down cats
yh i just found them on planet catfish
its says there active so thats good coz ive only ever seen my upside down cat 2 times in 7 months and thats only when ive had the lights of for a couple of hours and walked in about 12 and cought him out
yh i sure there them now they have couloured up alot more and look exactily like all the pics ive seen
i wish some one had told me about them earlyer there so active i ive seen them more in the last 10mins than ive seen my upside down cat in the last 7 months
it looks like all the pics ive seen and the dark patches in the pic are alot darker and the lighter colour is a lil darker aswell
how big do you think they will get then
dose anyone know how big and fast they will grow because they have both grown atleast 1cm

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