What Catfish

there growing well fast they where about 1-1 1/2 cm less than the upside down cat now there about 1cm bigger than him they have grown 1 inch in 1 month there now about 2 1/2 inches
im going to take them back one is 2 1/2" the other is 3" and they alredy seem to active for my thank they just dont stop moving and there scaring the life out of my corys so im going to take them back and swap them for 2 upside down catfish.
yh there lovely fish and very active but there alredy getting a bit to active for my tank and scarring my corys when they jet round the tank lol.
Yeah, i've noticed they are abit more active than the usual syno. I used to have a couple of featherfins, they were pretty lazy in comparison :p

i have 1 upside down cat that ive only seen a few times in about 9 months lol im swapping these one for 2 more upside down cats so hopefully they will be abit more active
Yeah, Synos. should always be kept in groups of ideally 4+. Your Upside down cat should become more active if you buy him some buddies :)

I don't see a reason why not :) Give him time with his buddies and he should perk up. They live in HUGE groups in the wild. Some 300+ strong :p

Let me know how you get on :)


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