what can cope ???


Fish Crazy
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
staffordshire uk
I have bought my son a small tank for his bedroom , it has everything with it apart from a heater , i think its to small for a heater so what fish can i put in there apart from goldfish , is there any tropical fish that can cope with cool water ??
thanks !!
If the tank is too small for a heater, then it is definately too small for goldfish. Goldfish need a bare minimum of 10 gallons each.

What about white cloud mountain minnows? What size is the tank?
Angel03 said:
i thinks its a 1.7 litre not sure as its wraped up i cant look till its opened tomorrow :rolleyes:
I don't think there's anything you can do with a space that small, that will keep an animal happy and healthy. Especially not a goldfish considering these are amoung the potenially largest and longest living of aquarium fish.

Can't you return it and get something workable? How much did you pay for it?
Angel03 said:
on the box it had 2 rather large goldfish in it , if they are to small why the hell do they make them :angry:
I think there would be probelms fitting 2 rather small goldfish in there.

It's a major problem within the industry. IMO goldfish (except fancies) should not even be kept in tanks, they get huge and their lifespan is 35+ years (average is 1 :( )

Was it expensive? IMO you should return it and get something more suitable. I know not everyone can house/afford big tank but small ones can be very cheap. I have seen 5 gallon ones in pets at home for £10 or so.

It would be better in the long run.
If its the one im thinking of, its from wal mart? and its a one gallon tank.
they do show two big fantails on the box witch can misslead ppl, but it would be great for a Betta!
Idolz said:
If its the one im thinking of, its from wal mart? and its a one gallon tank.
they do show two big fantails on the box witch can misslead ppl, but it would be great for a Betta!
I doubt it's the one you are thinking of, considering she is in England ;) I wouldn't put a betta in anything less that a five gallon and not without a heater anyway.

I had three zebra danios in a tank with two goldfish for about 6 months a while back. They had a filter and light but like your tank, no heater. The danios seemed perfectly happy in there at room temperature, although the guy at the lfs did say to make sure water used in changes was at room temperature too, I think thats about as cold as the danios could live in happily.....

All three are in a tropical tank now, and are still doing fine so it doesnt seem to have bothered them at all :)
The reason these tanks are sold is because they can sell. It would be a bad idea to assume any manufacturer want's what is best. They just want what is profitable. This goes for evertying, not just fish.

A 1 gallon bowl would be fine for a Betta, but I would hardly call it great. It isn't a suitable home for any fish as far as I am concerned.

But, you can still make a mini-aquarium out of it. Snails and ghost shrimp will work just fine.

If you fill it up and leave it for a day, what is the temperature of the water?
Unfortunately, the pictures of aquariums on packaging and marketing materials are 110% misleading, and made to catch the attention of people who don't know better. You can never, ever judge what will fit acceptably in a tank by what's pictured. :( Manufacturers of aquariums ought to be held more accountable for their representations of their products in this regard, but they probably figure they'd sell a lot less aquariums (especially the mini ones) if they pictured their realistic stocking capacities. Sad, but true.

But 1.7 litres - there's just no "fish" you can keep well in that. :no: It would make a marginally "acceptable" home for a betta, for a given definition of "acceptable" - but I wouldn't think of doing it, personally. A betta might survive in there, but he wouldn't thrive and be happy.

1.7 liters is small! You might be able to put 2 dwarf cories in there - i don't know how well they'd do with cooler water, but i know that bronze cories can be ok in cooler water (not as cold as goldfish can tolerate). Maybe a betta could go in there if you heat it with the light from a lamp. :/ Sorry can't think of anything else.
noelberg said:
1.7 liters is small! You might be able to put 2 dwarf cories in there - i don't know how well they'd do with cooler water, but i know that bronze cories can be ok in cooler water (not as cold as goldfish can tolerate). Maybe a betta could go in there if you heat it with the light from a lamp. :/ Sorry can't think of anything else.
Peppered cories are great in coldwater, but there's not enough room
Use the tank as a extra large beer glass, thats about all its good for IMO.

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