What Came First

Depends if you class a "chicken egg" is an egg laid by a chicken, or an egg that contains a chicken. :p

Very good point :crazy:
If we're taking a purely scientific aproach, I'd have to go for the egg. If you take the first egg in isolation as having all the same genetic makeup as a modern day chicken egg then it is to all intents and purposes a chicken egg.

If I were to take three eggs, one from a quail, one from a chicken and one from an osterich and asked a scientist to anylise them, they would confirm the type of egg. If I then told them that a crocodile laid them, would this then make them crocodile eggs? No. The egg is fully and geneticly that of the chickem, quails, osterich and therefore is an egg of that sort.

They also say that possesion is 9 10ths of the law ... so the chicken inside wins again. It's their egg, they own it.
If we're taking a purely scientific aproach, I'd have to go for the egg. If you take the first egg in isolation as having all the same genetic makeup as a modern day chicken egg then it is to all intents and purposes a chicken egg.

If I were to take three eggs, one from a quail, one from a chicken and one from an osterich and asked a scientist to anylise them, they would confirm the type of egg. If I then told them that a crocodile laid them, would this then make them crocodile eggs? No. The egg is fully and geneticly that of the chickem, quails, osterich and therefore is an egg of that sort.

They also say that possesion is 9 10ths of the law ... so the chicken inside wins again. It's their egg, they own it.

thing is, as yet, there seems to be no DNA in the egg shell construction. so thats, that out the window. :hyper: so we need to define what an egg is before we can carry on. is it the hard shell, used to hold the contents? or is that just a later adoption to help the survival of the offspring. my guess is that the True egg, is the soft membrane within which the single fertilised cell is contained and multiplys. now this is, without any scientific doubt, 100% the DNA of the chick, or whatever, contained within. so even if it came out of an ostrich egg shell, all the DNA avaliable would be chicken.
because of the phrasing of the question the answer is EGG, it could be nothing else. after all eggs were in use long before the first bird was ever evolved. now if the question were, Which came first the chicken or the chicken egg? :crazy:

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