What Backgrounds Do You Have?

Couple of mine with the dark blue background:


and another....:

Do the backgrounds go on the inside of the rear wall??? Can't you just tape 'em on the outter side of the back wall...? hehe. I don't know know ANYTHING except what I read on this site. Sorry for what are most likely stupid questions/comment!
Do the backgrounds go on the inside of the rear wall??? Can't you just tape 'em on the outter side of the back wall...? hehe. I don't know know ANYTHING except what I read on this site. Sorry for what are most likely stupid questions/comment!

On page 4 of this thread is the following post by idlefingers

I used vegetable oil, spread lightly across the whole sheet, then put it on the tank and wipe air bubbles out with a credit card wrapped in paper towel. It's not hard to do and makes it easy to take off and switch for another when you want (like I did today!). I doubt it's really necessary for black backgrounds to do this, but with the plant ones it makes them much brighter and more vivid colours. Plus it holds the whole thing nicely onto your tank without flapping around or doing anything permanent.

This post has been edited by idlefingers: Feb 4 2007, 12:43 AM

I used this method, works great :good:
The back of my tank is mirrored. Makes it appear bigger, lets you see anything hiding behind ornaments and plants... Downside is I can never keep siamese fighting fish in it. :)

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