What Are Your Top 10 Tropical Fish

Ahh so hard! :lol:

1. Any paradise fish - such beautys!
2. Discus - never kept them but the colours are amazing
3. Bettas - again, amazing colours
4. Neon/Cardinal tetras (can't decide lol) - beautiful shoaling fish :D
5. Rams, any kind but especially angels - so colourful and they have great little personalities
6. Electric Yellow Lab cichlid - cool fish :)
7. Kribensis - nice to look at and easy to breed
8. Male Guppys - common, but you can see why
9. Corys - great to watch - they never stop! :lol:
10. Angelfish - we've got a koi veiltail who is just gorgeous :D

Wow, my brains tired now! That was HARD! :lol:
1. angles
2. corys
3. danios
4. wcmm
5. german blue ram
5. arrowana
6. shrimp
7. all plecos
8. puffers
9. black ghost knife fish
10. oscars
1 Electric BLue Jack Dempsey Pretty
2 Salvini Cichlid Pretty and Hardcore
3 Green Terror Pretty, Hardcore and Intelligent
4 Moonlight Gourami Shiny
5 Zebra Pleco Expensive
Symphysodon spp
freshwater rays
E canarensis
P altum
Sphaerichthys osphromenoides
hypancistrus zebra
M ramarezi
disticodus saxifaciatus
Killifish, all of which I've kept at some point
  1. Rivulus xiphidius
  2. Diapteron fulgens
  3. Diapteron georgiae
  4. Diapteron cyanostictum
  5. Diapteron abacinum
  6. Nothobranchius rachovi Beira 98
  7. Fundulopanchax gardneri Nigerianus "Misaje"
  8. Aphyosemion australe "Chocolate"
  9. Fundulopanchax amieti
  10. Pseudepiplatys annulatus


This is my top 10:

1. Albino Rainbow shark (mine is fantastic)
2. Angel Fish
3. Discus
4. Cardinal Tetras
5. Galaxy Rasboras (Celestrial Pearl Danios)
6. German Blue Rams
7. Harlequin Rasboras
8. Corys (Any type really, though I particularly like Panda)
9. Rummy Nose Tetras
10. Bristle-nosed Plec

Not sure how many are suitable for your tank as we don't know its size :p
1. Dwarf Chain Loach
2. Betta Splendens
3. Threadfin Rainbowfish
4. Forktail Rainbowfish
5. Zebra pleco
6. Redtail Black Shark
7. All other Rainbowfish
8. Rasbora
9. Killifish
In order:
1. Guppies
2. Neon Tetras
3. Platies
4. Bettas
5. Red Eye Tetras
6. Australian Rainbowfish
7. Any Plecos
8. Strawberry Tetra
9. Penguin Tetra
10. Zebra Danios.
1. Angelfish- My first tropical, other than bettas
2. Pearl Gouramis- beautiful!
3. Bosemani Rainbows- love the bright colors
4. Cories! All of them :)- sooo cute! They remind me of penguins a little...
5. Bristlenose Plecs- Again, relly cute!
6. Tiger barbs- I like how they school and chase each other
7. Neon Rainbowfish- color is pretty
8. Hatchetfish- they are so funny looking!
9. Zebra danios- I know they are kind of common, but I would love to have a big tank with a large school
10. Rams- just beautiful!
1 Clown Knifefish
2 L25 Scarlet plec
3 Fire Eel
4 Clown Loach
5 Oscar
6 Flagtail Prochilodus
7 Channa Pulchra
8 Ornate Bichir
9 Silver Dollars
10 Red Tail Sharks
1 Senegal Bichir
2 Male Beta
3 Geophagus Suirinenmsis
4 Clown Loach
5 Kissing Gourami
6 BN Pleco
7 Channa Orientalis
8 Columbian shark catfish
9 Green Terror
10 Angel Fish
My favourite ten fish, in no particular order are:

Red Tiger Oscar
Clown Loach
Red tail black shark
Black Ghost Knife
Dwarf Gourami
Cory catfish
Zebra spiny eel
Green puffers

As you know these would not all happily co-exsist, but I have kept them all over the years and love every one of them.Good luck with your new tank,it's always an exciting time.

Jon :good:

1) Paratheraps synspilum
2) Parachromis red tiger motaguense
3) Parachromis Managuense
4) Herichthys carpinte 'escondido'
5) Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum (If tank size was no object)
6) Mikrogeophagus ramirezi
7) Heros sp. rotkeil.
8) Panaque nigrolineatus L190
9) Hemiancistrus subviridis L200
10) Phractocephalus hemioliopterus (again if my tank was big enough)
1. common/albino plec
2. albino corys
3. bala shark
4. angel fish
5. guppies
6. plattys
7. mollies
8. dwarf gourami
9. oscars
10. neons



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