What Are Your Top 10 Tropical Fish

1. All species of piranha - adore these fish they are amazing
2. Oscar's - such character
3. malawi's - closest thing to a marine setup in tropical and stunning.
4. Bala shark - Kept these for a while, nervous but lovely looking fish
5.Convicts - so easy to breed and great parents, not shy at all.

My top 5, other fish would be neons in big shoals, zebra danio's etc but not sure on the order.
dwarf puffers are brilliant little creatures. but i cant help think that my parrot fish wiould eat them so i havent got one :L my fav fish in the world has to be the electric blue baloon ram dwarf cichlid!!
dwarf puffers are brilliant little creatures. but i cant help think that my parrot fish wiould eat them so i havent got one :L my fav fish in the world has to be the electric blue baloon ram dwarf cichlid!!

Holy thread revival Batman... Only over 2.5 years since the last post!:blink:
Oooh, I love these threads.

My top ten would be:

1. any species of corydoras- what could be friendlier?

2. black-bellied limias- constant action and no aggro

3. heterandria formosa- ideal for a nano and a lot of personality for the size

4. khuli loaches- not usually a loach person, but these are just great

5. poecioliopsis gracilis- not often seen in the trade, but a lovely, easy-going community fish that should be on sale more often

6. phallichthys tico- possibly the most beautiful fish I have ever kept

7. good old bristlenoses

and finally some species I have never kept but keep drooling over:

8. green phantom plec- if only I had the space

9. sturisoma aureum- if only I had the space

10. multies- if they would only let me have one more small tank....
Clown loaches - my absolute favorite fish, very playful, Love them!

Convicts - Yeah as common as they are, the parental skills are amazing and should be noticed, very interesting as well.

Oscars - Do I need to explain? Smart, intelligent overall a very nice fish!

Senegal Bichir - Very interesting fish to watch, very good hunter!

Common Pleco - The most commonest of all, mines very interactive, hand feeds and keeps the glass algae free.

Neons - Really colorful, playful and just brights up the tank.

Corys - Love to watch them playing around.

Bettas - Colorful, very interactive and generally interesting to watch.

Bala Sharks - For the short while I owned them, there beautiful to watch.

Arowana - Would love to be able to own one of these, all time favorite fish.

Datnoid - Beautiful Freaking Fish!!!

Yeah I done 11 fish.
Bristle nose pleco
Keyhole cichlids
Blue acara
Jack dempsy
Pepper cory cats
Clown pleco
Discus ( never had them but they are so pretty)
Black skirt tetra
What ? you've never had discus? it says in your signature that you have an 80 gallon discus tank.
1) motoro sting ray (never had one but it is my dream to one day breed them :hyper: )
2) discus (The sheer beauty and grace)
3) electric German blue rams (Beautiful color and great personality)
4) apistogramma agassizi ( Amazing color)
5) angel fish ( kinda looks like discus and pretty much acts the same)
6) bristle nose plecos (IDK i just fell in love with my big clumsy male. And just placed an order to get him a lady friend :hey: )
7) Cory cats ( So funny, cute, and entertaining)
8) kribensis ( Amazing parents and color)
9) fire-mouths ( Awesome colors and cool behavior)
10) blue arowanas ( awesome colors and size)

I have expensive tastes lol :D
Bristle nose pleco
Keyhole cichlids
Blue acara
Jack dempsy
Pepper cory cats
Clown pleco
Discus ( never had them but they are so pretty)
Black skirt tetra
What ? you've never had discus? it says in your signature that you have an 80 gallon discus tank.
That post was in 2009, the OP has probably just recently got discus
  1. Angelfish
  2. Cory cats
  3. Severum
  4. Rams (I prefer Bolivians)

Um yeah, well, I guess that's why I just made the jump back from marine to freshwater, that's a doable stocking for my tank!
My favorites are: Discus, cardinal tetras, rummynose tetras, roseline sharks, peppermint tetras, clown loaches, bosemani loaches, gobies of all kinds. I have a 90 gallon and a 125 gallon and have all of these fish. I needed 2 tanks to have what I wanted. I also have a fire eel and he is awsome. Great personality but incredible escape artist.

If I were you, I would begin by investigating what kind of fish will be happy in water with 7.8 ph. I think cichlids, depending on the type, are good with higher ph values. But that is how I would start and then decide from those fish.
1 parrot fish
2 amozon puffer and dwarf puffer tie for second
3 african clawed frog
4 pakistan loach
5 reef fish
6 boesman rainbow fish
7 red severum
8 silver arrowana
9 pleco
10 my girlfriend! :p
Oh well, as this thread seems to have been fully revived from the dead (see page 1 for original dates)...

Synodontis brichardi
Synodontis decora
Synodontis notata
Steatocranus casuarius
Brycinus longipinnis
Pareutropius debauwi/buffei
Ctenopoma acutirostre
Megalechis thoracata
Ilyodon xantusi
Chaetostoma spp.
1. Pearl Gourami - Beautiful, hardy & not too agreesive
2. Dwarf Gourami - Awesome fish with great personality but not very hardy
3. Honey Gourami - Cute & friendly little buggers
4. Three Spot Gourami - Nasty & mean sometimes but still an awesome fish
5. Cherry Barb - Great to watch, males are the best red I've ever seen
6. Lemon Tetra - Play Football with bottom feeder shrimp pellets
7. Black Phantom Tetra - Prototypical Tetra shape, change colors
8. Corydoras Catfish - Friendliest fish in the tank
9. Fancy Guppies - Very active and beautiful
10. Pictus Catfish - Very active & boldly colored

I have never kept any of these following fish but they could make the list:

1. German Blue Rams
2. Bolivian Rams
3. Discus
4. Angel Fish
5. Kribensis
6. Apisto

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