What are you cooking?

I limit my red meat consumption to several times a year for health reasons. But I love a great steak or stew. My birthday was last week so I treated myself and three friends to prime New York strips from Costco. Costco’s prime meat prices are half of what you pay in a supermarket or butcher.

I prepared the steak a new way for me. Once the steak reached room temperature I oiled and heavily salted with kosher salt. Then I placed the steak on a wire rack and roasted in the oven at 275F until the internal temperature was 120F. I took the steaks out of the oven and heated a cast iron pan to screeching hot. I added avocado oil to the pan because it has a high smoke point. I seared the steaks for 1 min per side and then let them rest for 10 min.

Best steak ever. As tender as tenderloin but with that beefy NY strip flavor. I’m sold on the reverse sear method.

I was reading your post and didn't even notice, I was drooling on my keyboard 🤤
Just had an order delivered from my local grocery. I get my meat, and a few sides that I really like, mostly from Omaha Steaks and other stuff from the grocery.

Something I don't understand though. When ordering from the grocery on-line it shows both delivery and in-store prices. Oddly it is less expensive to have the stuff delivered than buying in-store. For instance today's order was over $20.00 USD cheaper than if I had gone in the store including a 'driver tip'. I'm not complaining but I would expect delivery to cost more. For instance I ordered a 10 ounce bison rib eye steak today. In store the steak would have cost me $19.99 USD. On-line it cost me a little over $16.00 USD. :dunno:
Just had an order delivered from my local grocery. I get my meat, and a few sides that I really like, mostly from Omaha Steaks and other stuff from the grocery.

Something I don't understand though. When ordering from the grocery on-line it shows both delivery and in-store prices. Oddly it is less expensive to have the stuff delivered than buying in-store. For instance today's order was over $20.00 USD cheaper than if I had gone in the store including a 'driver tip'. I'm not complaining but I would expect delivery to cost more. For instance I ordered a 10 ounce bison rib eye steak today. In store the steak would have cost me $19.99 USD. On-line it cost me a little over $16.00 USD. :dunno:
only way it could be cheaper is, do you think the online deliveries collector is told to pick the units closest to the use by dates?
only way it could be cheaper is, do you think the online deliveries collector is told to pick the units closest to the use by dates?
Nothing I've gotten has been close to expiration. I think a more likely reason is that the more on-line orders there are the less store staff they need. Even the delivery driver is normally not a staff member but an independent delivery driver that mostly just gets tips and I always tip well as it can pay off in the end. Like today I tipped $11.00 and some change (I like round numbers) for a drive of, at the most, 5 minutes. Yet, even with the tip, I still saved over $20.00 USD than if I had shopped in the store. It also saves me time and hassle.
To add on to the post above...

Like I said I also ordered a 10 ounce bison rib eye. Since I have never had bison, and I got it for over $4.00 USD less than in-store price, I decided to give it a try but I know nothing about bison... so some questions for any that know bison. Thanks for any input. :)

1) First thing I noticed is that it is a much darker red than a normal beef rib eye. Is this just the nature of the beast or is it more the thing being totally organic grown? At least in the U.S., it is illegal to give bison any form of hormones or antibiotics.

2) How do I cook it? I don't mean the cooking method but, rather, how well done. It will be cooked on a stove top indoor grill. With a beef rib eye I aim for a bit over medium rare but not quite medium. I don't know if it is luck or being well trained in testing how well done by touch but, while probably not even 80%, I hit this goal pretty often. Do I aim for the same with the bison rib eye or, for the same flavor and tenderness, do I adjust how well done it should be?

3) Shoot, since this is my first cut of bison, I don't even know if what I got is decent or not? The below image is it. The central 'C' shaped fat line is thicker than I expected but I have zero idea as to what I should have expected or if this is good or bad with bison. ;)

Thanks for any input/help!!!! :)

bison rib eye.JPG
Shoot, since this is my first cut of bison, I don't even know if what I got is decent or not?
well, back in the mid 60's my dad would raise a beef for each of us kids every year. he decided one year to do me a favor and have one of his black Angus bred artificially to a bison. we had a hammer mill and we would grind our own corn. while mine was growing up I would throw corn in the feed trough and my semi-bison wouldn't touch it. it would chew on a piece of grass and look around like a wild animal. all the other beef would be digging in. we butchered our own meat and when I killed mine the meat was way darker than the pic you have and there was absolutely no fat or marbling anywhere. biggest thing was the meat was tough. will never do anything like that again.
well, back in the mid 60's my dad would raise a beef for each of us kids every year. he decided one year to do me a favor and have one of his black Angus bred artificially to a bison. we had a hammer mill and we would grind our own corn. while mine was growing up I would throw corn in the feed trough and my semi-bison wouldn't touch it. it would chew on a piece of grass and look around like a wild animal. all the other beef would be digging in. we butchered our own meat and when I killed mine the meat was way darker than the pic you have and there was absolutely no fat or marbling anywhere. biggest thing was the meat was tough. will never do anything like that again.
Hmmm, I hope that the fat line in what I got will help with the tenderness. :dunno: Shoot, it is the marble in a beef rib eye that makes it SSSOOOOO good, tender and flavorful.!
I made mashed potato soup tonight, planning for leftovers for game day tomorrow. Husband got hoagies today. So, even if I don't make much else (but I will) we should have enough "lucky" & "stress" foods no matter what happens! Fingers crossed!
I believe that making a cheese steak out of smoked elk prime rib would be grounds for arrest. :lol:
Not elk but a steak house I cooked at long ago did beef prime rib on Sundays On Mondays we would use the left over prime rib for lunch as French Dip sandwiches. Man, those sandwiches were awesome!

For myself, this evening, I have some left over rib eye and baked tater. Think I may add a couple of eggs and do a steak and eggs breakfast burrito. :)
Ever have one of those nights where you know the protein but have no idea as to how to use? That is me tonight. I will be doing a 7-8 ounce boneless pork chop. Do I slice up and go Asian with onion, bell peppers and broccoli in either Teriyaki or Sweet Chili sauce of do I go BBQ sandwich with fries? I guess it will boil down to how lazy I'm feeling when I get hungry, the BBQ is easier. ;)

I think tomorrow will be an easier decision as I have wings thawing for sticky BBQ. The decision with that will be whether fries or a small batch of mayo based potato or shells pasta salad with hard boiled egg, bacon, grated carrots, cheddar cheese and bell peppers. LOL! Since I'll hopefully be setting up a new tank the simple fries will probably win. ;) Still that is not yet determined. Ya the salad takes more time and work but also has the benefit of giving a break from dealing with putting together the tank. ;)

Dang, typing the above made me think of how blessed I am. I love and talk a lot about food but there are too many that can't do so. Especially with older people there are way too many that make tuna salad with cat food just to be able to spend less. To me this is extremely sad as, without our elders, we would not even be here.

I remember a steak house I cooked (one with the prime prime French Dips) Best cooking place I ever worked! There was an old couple that would come in and just do the 'hot bar' aspect of the place. It was obvious that they were actually stealing as the woman would always have a large purse/bag and they would fill with food. In a staff meeting this old couple was brought up with management wanting to bust them. I'm happy to say that 100% of the staff refused. I actually witnessed a few of our servers slipping tip money in the old lady's bag. Best people I've ever worked with!!!!!

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